Throughout every low income neighborhood you encounter, you’re going to realize a few truths about the people that live there. You will always have neighbors that are working very hard in life (2 or 3 jobs even) to make money and take care of themselves. And there are ALWAYS people who are deadbeats, not working, not contributing anything to society or the neighborhood except frustration and anger at your investment lowering a little.
And, this may sound weird, but I am happy to see this. I am happy to see that in these neighborhoods, there are people there trying to do their part to fight the unacceptable, that even in the craziest neighborhoods there are as many job opportunities as people can take advantage of. Yes, the people who hang out on their porch cause me frustration (it doesn’t leave the best impressions for potential tenants), but I know that my views are shared by the neighbor busting their butts off to make ends meet.


  1. AffordableREI-
    October 10, 2013 at 8:31 am
  2. DAVID M-
    October 10, 2013 at 8:51 pm

    Nice video lisa.I deal with section 8 tenants that have jobs also. Do you do any wholesaling?

    • December 16, 2013 at 1:24 am

      I do not. I really feel that what you get out of it isn’t worth the amount of effort, personally. So, I maximize my time with buy and hold (work up front, make money for the next 15 years).

  3. AffordableREI-
    October 11, 2013 at 4:26 pm

    No, but I’ve purchased from a wholesaler. Its something that can be lucrative from what I have seen, but no one should expect it to be an easy, it takes a lot of hard work to make money that way, just like any other real estate investing ventures. Good luck if you’re going to embark on that strategy.

  4. Maige Matthews-
    April 19, 2014 at 10:22 am

    Love the vid. Very crucial and important points.
    I’m listening to what you’re saying, and I see your point. But if this hard
    worker has three jobs, then what time could they possibly have to work for

    Would you consider taking on a hard worker that would prefer to be paid in
    your mentoring time and knowledge accordingly?

  5. SC Nurse-
    July 16, 2014 at 4:51 pm

    Sorry if my comment doesn’t pertain to this particular video but I’ve been
    listening to your videos while I’m doing other stuff and I forgot which
    video I wanted to comment on. Anyway, I think you’re awesome for taking on
    these opportunities in working class neighborhoods. You’re right, there are
    always hard working people in these neighborhoods who want and deserve good
    housing. My mom was a single parent who busted her hump to put my sister
    and me through private school without any help from the government or my
    father. She was an excellent tenant, working full time, overtime, and
    taking cleaning jobs from her coworkers, no doubt swallowing her pride,
    just to keep her girls safe. When a landlord puts pride of ownership into
    his or her property, the quality of tenant definitely improves. Thanks so
    much for your time and effort to put out these videos. Definitely needed
    the inspiration.