This is a video that explains how you can assert a little more control over your credit, and obtaining financing from banks or credit unions, by asking a few pertinent questions. Many of these questions may seem obvious, but people don’t tend to ask and it does have an effect on what financing offers will be available to you. Be persistent, and make these questions a standard part of your relationship with any financial institution you will rely on for your business. Banks and Credit Unions are like people: Some have been burnt badly in the past, some haven’t, and some are out to help the customers, and some aren’t out to help the customers, only get more money on deposit. Make them earn your business.
Great info, especially when you are trying to build your score!
Thank you so much for this. My question is, how do you go about finding
those real estate deals. Do you have to go to the court office for
forclosed real estates or can you search for these properties?
I would like to see a more indept video about WCN’s
Hey thanks for the reassurance