Finding Your Location 104 – City Analysis And Economic Indicators. This is another easy way, step by step, to quickly sum up a market by looking at the population statistics of that town and an overview of the pre-dominating industries. Both of these factors really determine not only the demand for housing, but if the jobs will support a sustainable investment in that town. As I have always invested in cities that were new to me, this has helped me be spot on when it comes ot sizing up a market, and should be in everyone’s toolkit!!

This is an introduction to my Sub30k Income Training- which shows you, STEP BY STEP, how to start generating monthly rental income. in real estate investing! If you  loved my other 100 training videos, you will absolutely be ready to get your first property, easily! Yes, I even show you sales contracts I’ve used and the HUD settlement statements, and how to submit the bids! 

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