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Utah time change
The clock on the Salt Lake City-County Building is pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 8, Utahns will continue to adjust their clocks every spring. Sunday, November 6, , am local standard time instead. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Nov 6, than the day before. There will. SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) – Utah’s gearing up to go back on to Daylight Saving Time. Everyone living in the state will “spring forward,” setting.
Daylight saving time: Time changes are here to stay in Utah for now – Deseret News.
Currently, Utah observes daylight saving time in the summer, when a later sunrise means more sunlight in the evening. Under standard time —. The clock on the Salt Lake City-County Building is pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 8, Utahns will continue to adjust their clocks every spring.
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