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Do south carolina lakes have alligators
› stories › how-be-alligator-safe-south-carolina. The two alligators were pulled from Lake Marion and Lake Moultrie, which together make up the Santee-Cooper Lakes Complex. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) says it is possible for alligators to be see on the Lexington and Saluda county.
SCDNR – Wildlife Information – SC Alligator.
› Places › Lakes. The two alligators were pulled from Lake Marion and Lake Moultrie, which together make up the Santee-Cooper Lakes Complex.
Do south carolina lakes have alligators –
What do Alligators Eat? There are only two alligator species, with the American alligator the only one available in South Carolina. You can hunt alligators in South Carolina during the designated hunting season if you have a permit and harvest tag. Crocodiles have shades of black, brown, grey, and green. Swim in Designated Areas 3.
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