Where is the ghost town of thurmond. Abandoned And Frozen In Time, Explore The Ghost Town Of Thurmond, West Virginia

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National Register of Historic Places. Thurmond saw a small revival during World War II when coal нажмите для деталей in high demand, but it was not enough. This oil painting, by highly respected railroad scene artist Jim Jordan, was commissioned in by Karl and Betty Warden. Remaining business buildings in Thurmond, West Virginia. Though faulty electrical wiring was blamed, the fire was suspicious, and there was some talk of arson.

Thurmond, West Virginia — A Ghost Town – New River Gorge CVB : New River Gorge CVB.


На этой странице the first two decades of the s, Thurmond was a classic boomtown. Having many coal barons among its patrons, Thurmond’s banks were the richest in the state. Fifteen passenger trains a day came through town-its depot serving as many as 75, passengers a year. The town’s stores and saloons did a remarkable business, and its hotels and boarding houses were constantly overflowing. With the advent of diesel locomotives, and less coal coming in from local mines, the town began a steady decline.

The many businesses closed down, and most residents moved on. Today, the town of Thurmond remains surprisingly untouched by modern development. It is a link to our past, and a town with many stories to tell.

New River Gorge National River invites visitors to experience the impact of the industrial revolution, and the mission of the National Park Service to preserve our nation’s heritage.

To reach Thurmond, take U. Route 19 to the Glen Jean exit, north of Beckley. Follow the signs to Thurmond, seven miles down WV Route 25 Route 25 is a narrow, winding road and is not recommended for RVs and trailers. It was also the year that Captain W. Thurmond acquired 73 acres along the railroad, a strategic position for developing a town. Thurmond was the heart of the New River Where is the ghost town of thurmond, carrying shipments of coal from the surrounding coal fields.

The town of Thurmond grew as the coal and timber industries expanded in the gorge. Seventy-five thousand passengers passed through Thurmond indelighting in all it had to offer. At its peak, Thurmond had two hotels, two banks, restaurants, clothing stores, a jewelry store, movie theater, several dry-good stores, and many business offices. The town where is the ghost town of thurmond to thrive through the early decades of the 20th century.

The American public had begun its love affair with the automobile, and good roads made travel by car easy. Thurmond had been a steam town, its rail yard and crews geared toward the short service intervals where is the ghost town of thurmond steam locomotives. The switch to diesels left many of the rail yard structures and where is the ghost town of thurmond obsolete. Once the heart of the New River Gorge, Thurmond remains its soul. Memories continue to be made here in the 21st century.

The town is still incorporated and hosts an annual reunion for former residents. There are over twenty other park-owned structures in Thurmond.

The National Park Service began a stabilization program inincluding repairs to preserve buildings until the time that they can be rehabilitated or restored. Work includes removal of overgrown vegetation, improvement of drainage around the buildings, installation of more where is the ghost town of thurmond metal panel roofs and gutters, removal of hazardous porches and additions, the installation of window louvers to provide adequate interior ventilation and some exterior restoration work.

Next to the depot, a steam engine sits on the tracks; the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, where passengers await the next train departure. This scene is depicted in the painting Midnight Thundera look back at a moment in time to this once-bustling railroad town of southern West Virginia. This oil painting, by highly respected railroad scene artist Jim Jordan, was commissioned in by Karl and Betty Warden.

The Wardens both grew up in nearby Fayetteville, and hoped to foster appreciation of the area’s rich railroading history. It can be viewed at the Canyon Rim Visitor Center. The Thurmond Depot now operates as a summer visitor что best places to see sunset in asheville хорошая. View a collection of historic photos of where is the ghost town of thurmond town of Thurmond and the people who lived and worked there.

Skip to global NPS navigation Skip to this park navigation Skip to the main content Skip to this park information section Skip to the footer section. Explore This Park. Info Alerts Maps Calendar Fees. Loading alerts. Alerts In Effect Dismiss. Dismiss View all alerts. The Thurmond commercial district. Thurmond Walking Tour. Thurmond Area Hiking Trails. Thurmond Photo Gallery. Historic Thurmond Photo Gallery. Thurmond: Explore the Gorge Video. Historic Thurmond Depot Thurmond Depot. Last updated: May 3, Stay Connected.

Historic Thurmond Photo Gallery View a collection of historic photos of the town of Thurmond and the people who lived and worked there.


Where is the ghost town of thurmond –

Property acquisitions increased in when much of the town property was acquired.


Thurmond, West Virginia – National Park Ghost Town – Legends of America

Thurmond is an old mining town that is now a ghost town. A few residents still live in Thurmond (only 4 according to the internet). You can park and see the. Thurmond is a town in Fayette County, West Virginia, United States, on the New River. The population was five at the census. During the heyday of coal.

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