Urban Dictionary: Girl Scout.Girl Scout | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary

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About Us About Us. Activity Zone Activity Zone. Our Stories Our Stories. Discover Girl Scouts. Learn what Girl Scouts do; about our history, research and data; and about family involvement, or try Girl Scout activities! Become gifl Volunteer Become a Volunteer. Alums Alums. По ссылке how to get involved with Girl Scouts. Join a troop, scoute events, become a volunteer, or discover alum opportunities.

Find out how to buy По этому адресу Scout Cookies, explore Girl Scout Biltmore estate map flavors, see how girls learn essential life skills, and more. Invest Invest. Advocacy Advocacy. Support Girl Scouts by donating nationally or to your local council, becoming a lifetime member, and advocating for girls.

For Volunteers For Volunteers. Resources meqning Girl Scout members. Find volunteer, Girl Scout, and family tools and support. Explore badges, activities, and more. They remind us to do our best in being kind to others, respecting ourselves, making the world a better place, and so much more. The Girl Dcouts Family Promise is a commitment families can make to support the local Girl Scout community as they grow, bond, girl scouts meaning learn together.

On my honor, I will try: To girl scouts meaning my Girl Scout and her troop, To help girls lead at all times, And to always keep it здесь I keaning do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and girl scouts meaning, respect authority, use resources wisely, girl scouts meaning the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Skip to content. Raspberry Rally NEW! Raspberry Rally. Council Mewning. Use this finder to connect with your local Girl Scout council. Promise and Law. The Girl Scout Promise and Law. These aren’t just words Girl Scouts say, they’re words we live by. Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly girl scouts meaning helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say wcouts do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, girl scouts meaning resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Смотрите подробнее Scout.

What Girl Scouts Do. Grade Levels. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Join Volunteer Donate.



Girl scout Definition & Meaning | – A stranger told me my outfit was inappropriate in the grocery store parking lot


When you first join, it can feel like everyone is speaking another language! Bridging — When girls move from one program grade level to the next; may include an award for the girls completing the bridging award requirements, and likely will include a ceremony.

Earned by girls in the 4th-5th grades. The Girl Scout Bronze Award requires completion of a Journey, and then a minimum of 20 hours completing a take action project. Buddy System — Safety practice that groups two or three girls together to keep watch over each other in an activity such as swimming or hiking.

The system can place girls of equal ability in the same group or a more mature girl as a mentor. Council — A corporation, chartered by Girl Scouts of the USA, organized for the purpose of developing, managing, and maintaining Girl Scouting within a defined geographic region.

Day Camp — A camp program within a hour period that lasts for a minimum of three days. Destinations are GSUSA programs organized locally and the events provide an opportunity for individual members to broaden their perspectives and give Girl Scouting enhanced visibility. Digital Cookie — The Digital Cookie platform allows girls to customize the way they learn and earn during the Girl Scout Cookie Program, using technology in new and engaging ways, all while earning cool cookie business badges along the way.

Early Bird — Early renewal campaign that takes place between April and June specific dates change each year with added incentives like special programs, events and patches for girls who renew their membership before a certain date.

Fall Product Program — A product sale that begins in the fall, typically in October and allows troops to earn additional money. The products include a variety of nuts, chocolates and magazines. Flag Ceremony — Honors the American flag as the symbol of our country and all the hopes, dreams, and people it represents.

Involves Girl Scouts standing in a circle, crossing their right arms over their left, and clasping hands with their friends on both sides. Everyone then makes a silent wish as a friendship squeeze is passed from hand to hand around the circle. Girl Scouts sell Girl Scout Cookies to power new, unique, and amazing experiences. Used when Girl Scouts greet one another.

The experience identifies all the elements that need to be in place for Girl Scouting to achieve its mission; Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. When Discover, Connect, and Take Action activities are combined with the Girl Scout Processes of Girl-Led, Learning by Doing, and Cooperative Learning, girls achieve the desired and expected short-term leadership outcomes, ultimately resulting in Girl Scouting achieving its mission.

The right hand is raised shoulder high with the three middle fingers extended and the thumb crossing over the palm to hold down the little finger. The three fingers represent the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise. This tool is a requirement for new leaders to watch. Girl-Led — Girls play an active role in planning activities, while adults provide guidance, ensuring that planning, organization, and set-up are age-appropriate.

Evaluation of all activities is done jointly with girls and is integral to a high-quality Girl Scout experience. Gold Award — The highest award in Girl Scouts. Open to Girl Scouts in high school, Gold Award projects find a sustainable way to solve community problems. GORP — An acronym with two possible meanings, depending on who you ask! A camp snack favorite!

They are the highest honors a Girl Scout can earn. All three awards give girls the chance to do big things while supporting an issue they care about. Insignia — Every Girl Scout item worn on the uniform badges, awards, patches, stars, strips, etc.

Investiture — A special ceremony in which a new member makes her Girl Scout Promise, receives their membership pin, and becomes a member of Girl Scouts. Journey — A fun and challenging experience spread over a series of sessions usually but with the potential to last far longer.

The journey invites girls to explore a topic and culminates in a take action project to make the world a better place. Once done, girls can wear their journey awards on the front of their Girl Scout vest. Term also used to refer to registered Girl Scouts who are not part of the traditional troop program. These girls, also known as IRGs individually registered girl still work towards the same badges and activities, they simply do not belong to a troop.

They can join other girls at council-wide events and can participate in all Girl Scouts has to offer. It provides for rotation of jobs and sharing of responsibility.

Law — I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. Lifetime Membership — Granted to any person 18 years of age or older or a high school graduate or the equivalent who: 1.

Accepts the principals and beliefs as stated in the Preamble of the Girl Scout constitution. Has paid lifetime membership dues of 25 times the annual membership dues. Meets applicable membership standards. Membership Pin — One of 5 pins; the trefoil with three faces contemporary style , trefoil with eagle traditional style pin, Girl Scout Daisy membership pin, Girl Scout Brownie membership pin, and lifetime membership pin.

These pins signify the acceptance of the membership requirements. Mission — Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. On Time — The membership renewal period running from the end of Early Bird until the end of the membership year, September Girls wear participation patches and pins on the back of their Girl Scout uniform.

Patch Program — Patches earned by completing programs unique to individual councils or organizations. Petals — Earned awards by Girl Scout Daisies. Girls earn Petals by showing they understand the 10 parts of the Girl Scout Law. Quiet Sign — Raising the right hand over the head to signal for attention and quiet at any Girl Scout gathering.

When the hand goes up, mouths go quiet, and everyone joins in giving the quiet sign. Resident Camp — Overnight camp. Sessions are generally for at least five days and four nights and may be multiple weeks in length. The program is operated and staffed by the camp, and the supervision of campers is a camp responsibility. Campers stay overnight, and camp is responsible for campers 24 hours a day. Sash — A type of uniform available to Brownies through Ambassadors.

The sash sits on the right shoulder and crosses the body, resting on the left hip. Service Project — A project that helps the community with a specific and short-term need. Earned by completing a Girl Scout Journey and the suggested minimum of 50 hours building a team, exploring the community, picking a Take Action project, developing the project, and spreading the word. Small tokens of friendship to exchange with Girl Scouts you meet while traveling.

Take Action Project — A project that helps the community by identifying the root cause of the community need, has long-term benefits, and has sustainable community support. Tunic — A type of uniform available to Daisies. It is worn over the shoulders and ties at the waist. Troop — This group of girls and adults minimum of 5 girls and 2 adults who meet on a regular basis to engage in Girl Scout Program activities.

Troop Crest — A Girl Scout tradition that helps leaders easily identify Girl Scouts belonging to different troops while on a hike or other activity. There are currently 16 official troop crests available, and they are displayed on uniforms between the Girl Scout Council Identification Set and the troop numerals.

Troop Leader — A registered Girl Scout adult, background checked and trained volunteer who meets regularly with girls to help them achieve the purposes of Girl Scouting. Uniform — An article of clothing that symbolizes the high ideals for which Girl Scouts stands. The main uniform pieces are a tunic, sash, or vest, and Girl Scouts wear one to display official pins, awards, badges, and patches.

World Thinking Day — Celebrated annually on February This day also commemorates the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell the founders of the Scouting Movement worldwide. Who We Are. Brownie — A Girl Scout in grades Buddy System — Safety practice that groups two or three girls together to keep watch over each other in an activity such as swimming or hiking.

E Early Bird — Early renewal campaign that takes place between April and June specific dates change each year with added incentives like special programs, events and patches for girls who renew their membership before a certain date.

Extended Year Membership – F Fall Product Program — A product sale that begins in the fall, typically in October and allows troops to earn additional money. I Insignia — Every Girl Scout item worn on the uniform badges, awards, patches, stars, strips, etc. J Journey — A fun and challenging experience spread over a series of sessions usually but with the potential to last far longer.

L Law — I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. Membership Year — October 1 through September O On Time — The membership renewal period running from the end of Early Bird until the end of the membership year, September Q Quiet Sign — Raising the right hand over the head to signal for attention and quiet at any Girl Scout gathering.

Senior — A Girl Scout in grades Service Project — A project that helps the community with a specific and short-term need. T Take Action Project — A project that helps the community by identifying the root cause of the community need, has long-term benefits, and has sustainable community support.

U Uniform — An article of clothing that symbolizes the high ideals for which Girl Scouts stands. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions.


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