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Lanier Middle. Rank: 24th of Pin Oak Middle. Rank: th of Project Chrysalis Middle. Hogg Middle. Rank: rd of Pershing Middle. Rank: nd of School Middle. Rank: st of West Briar Middle. Burbank Middle.

Hamilton Middle. Tanglewood Middle. Stevenson Middle. Meyerland Middle. Energized For Midcle Academy Middle. Lawson Middle. Ortiz Middle. Revere Middle. Attucks Middle. Hartman Middle. Marshall Middle. Fondren Middle. Clifton Middle. Key Middle. Fonville Middle. Welch Middle. Deady Middle. Holland Middle. Navarro Middle. Edison Middle. Sugar Grove Academy. Forest Brook Middle.

McReynolds Middle. Williams Middle. Fleming Middle. Cullen Middle. Thomas Middle. Henry Middle. H S Ahead Academy. Las Americas.

Show 10 more schools Big Map Small Map Load more schools when map is moved. Districts cshools. Department of Education, the U. Census Bureau and the Texas Education Agency. We make every effort to ensure that school and district boundary data are up-to-date. But it’s important to note that these are approximations houstn are for general informational purposes only.

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– Top middle schools in houston – top middle schools in houston


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Top middle schools in houston – top middle schools in houston

Homes near school. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. H S Ahead Academy.


Top middle schools in houston – top middle schools in houston. Middle Schools in Houston

Cullen Middle. Las Americas. Tomball ISD was the runner-up with three middle schools ranked in the top

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