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Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. You’re at your local Whole Foods shopping for kale chips and asparagus water, trying to work out if you’ll have time to stop at the Pottery Barn before you head to your yoga class taught by a girl named Sage. It hits you: you’re leading the whitest life imaginable.

Don’t worry, we’ve figured it out for you. Using actual census data combined with our favorite white people stereotypes as confirmed by the internet , we can determine which cities are the whitest of the white in Golden State. After analyzing cities with populations greater than 5,, we came up with this list as the whitest cities in California for What is the whitest city in California for ? According to the most recent census data Paradise ranks as the whitest.

If you’re wondering, Maywood is the least white city of all those we measured. Read on below to see where your hometown ranked and why. Or check out the whitest states in America and the most diverse states in America. Next 10 Cities. In order to rank the whitest places in California, we had to determine what measurable criteria defines whiteness. Obviously we had to count how many white people living there, specifically the percentage of white people living in each city in California.

Here are the category names as defined by the Census:. We limited our analysis to non-CDPs with a population greater than 5, people. That left us with cities. We then calculated the percent of residents that are White. The percentages ranked from Finally, we ranked each city based on the percent of White population with a higher score being more White than a lower score.

Paradise took the distinction of being the most White, while Maywood was the least White city. You can download the data here. Read on for more information on how the cities in California ranked by population of White residents or, for a more general take on diversity in America, head over to our ranking of the most diverse cities in America.

Measuring the locations with the highest percentage of white people, this list provides accurate information on the whitest places in California according to the most recent data. Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now.

He believes the key to finding the right place to live comes down to looking at the data, reading about things to do, and, most importantly, checking it out yourself before you move. If you’ve been looking for a place to live in the past several years, you’ve probably stumbled upon his writing already.

You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website. Vendor List Privacy Policy. Toggle navigation Road Snacks. Article Table Of Contents Skip to section. Overall SnackAbility 8. Helena Editor’s Note: We updated this article for This is our ninth time ranking the whitest cities in California. Share on Facebook. About Chris Kolmar Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now.

Rankings , Whitest Cities california.



Most white populated cities in california –

City: Population: Growth: Age: Income per household: Los Angeles CA: 2,, 0% San Diego CA: 1,, 0% San Jose CA: , 0% San Francisco CA: . 39,, California is a large state on the west coast of the United States that is home to one of the world’s most diverse populations. At the last official United States census carried out in . Parlier, California (1) 12, % # Bell, California (1) , % # Planada, California (1) 4, % # Kettleman City, California (1) 1, .


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