Can you have a pet alligator in south carolina.Alligators in South Carolina

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Can you have a pet alligator in south carolina
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At Alligator attraction, we strongly advise against owning an alligator. The department must suspend the hunting privileges of a person convicted of violating this chapter for one year from the date of the conviction. Book Your field trip Now! F The provisions of this section do not apply to the sale or purchase of exotic farm-raised venison products that are fully cooked or preserved in a manner allowing for human consumption with no further preparation. They eat a lot. Anyone who owned one of those animals before that date and who still does is supposed to report it to the county they live in.

Code of Laws – Title 50 – Chapter 15 – Nongame And Endangered Species


Many states have banned ownership of exotic pets like alligators. Illinois is one of them. Florida allows you to own them but you must be licensed and have a permit to do so. You better have a lot of space. How much space? Adult males can grow to be 11 ft in length. Not sure how big that is? If the alligator could balance on the tip of his tail, his nose would most likely be poking your ceiling.

They eat a lot. Are you ready to put that amount of meat on your grocery list? An alligator is just an alligator. You cannot domesticate an alligator. They can be kind of selfish when it comes to food. If you like to dress up your pets, an alligator is probably not the right pet for you. Anyone who owned one of those animals before that date and who still does is supposed to report it to the county they live in.

No such animal owners are registered in Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties, according to spokespeople for those jurisdictions. They are meant to remain in the wild. They are not domesticated pets. They do not domesticate well. Documented cases of exotic animals getting loose in South Carolina are relatively rare, though Dukes said he recalls cases of escaped Patagonian cavies in McCormick County.

The small rodents are “between a guinea pig and a rabbit,” he said. The Greenwood Index Journal also reported last year on another episode, also in McCormick County, where a kangaroo was twice spotted hopping along a rural highway.

The viral kangaroo map also flags West Virginia and Wisconsin as states where kangaroos can roam without restriction. That’s mostly correct. West Virginia has a board that regulates “dangerous wild animals,” but kangaroos are not included in their purview. To report an animal bite or incident between AM – PM, choose your county’s office from the map on EA Regional Office page and contact them for assistance. On nights, weekends, or holidays, call option 2.

But unlike many other states, South Carolina has not banned the owning of wild species. So some people do continue to keep wild animals as pets. And a third group keeps wild animals confined on their property not as pets but for other purposes.

Exotic pets such as raccoons, foxes, skunks, bobcats, coyotes, wolves, wolf dogs, weasels, civet cats, spotted skunks, lynx, and bears most definitely can become infected and carry rabies. Unfortunately, there are no approved rabies vaccines for exotic pets. Also, no one knows how long these animals can carry the rabies virus within them before exhibiting symptoms.

Doing so would not rule out the presence of rabies in an exotic pet. Instead, in cases of possible rabies exposure, euthanasia of the exotic pet, followed by testing of the animal’s brain for rabies, is usually the only failsafe option available.

Occasionally, rabid wild animals will enter barns, paddocks, and grazing fields and bite or scratch farm animals. Cows are exposed to and infected with rabies more frequently than other types of livestock, although horses, sheep, pigs and goats can also catch the virus. South Carolina does not require owners of agricultural animals to vaccinate for rabies, although rabies vaccines for cows, horses and sheep have been approved by the U. Department of Agriculture.

If a farm animal is exposed to a rabid animal, the owner must contact their local public health department immediately. A DHEC public health expert will talk to the owner and investigate the incident.

They will decide whether the animal will need to be placed under observation and quarantined or euthanized so that its head can be tested for the rabies virus. In many cases, if the animal has been vaccinated, it will need to be re-vaccinated immediately and placed under observation for 45 or more days.

If the animal exposed to rabies has not been vaccinated, chances are it will need to be euthanized immediately or at very least, kept under close observation apart from other animals at the owner’s expense for 6 months.


Can you have a pet alligator in south carolina

A It is unlawful for a person to import, possess, or transport for the purpose of release or to introduce or bring into this State any live wildlife of the following types without a permit from the department:. In fact, the New York Times reported seeing an alligator sunning itself and the banks of the Bronx River back in Close this alert. If a farm animal is exposed to a rabid animal, the owner must contact their local public health department immediately. E The Department of Natural Resources may promulgate regulations to enforce the provisions of this section.


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