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This enables users to gain a deeper understanding of the different ethnicities that make up our population. The online tool shows the characteristics of the large range of ethnic groups living in New Zealand in an easy-to-understand format.

Smaller ethnic groups can be compared with the higher-level ethnic groupings that they sit within, or with the total New Zealand population. The summaries provide information about the ethnic groups living in New Zealand, grouped into five themes:.

While the tool is available now, the Census ethnic groups dataset has been available since 30 June. This is 1. Whilst Middle Eastern and Latin American groups share a similar pattern in age characteristics, the African group has a lower median age This is mainly due to a higher proportion of African people in the 0—19 years age group.

Ethnic groups in new zealand statistics – ethnic groups in new zealand statistics can see even more interesting facts when we examine the lowest level of ethnic grouping in a single MELAA subgroup from the Census data. For example, our Latin American population comprises 11 ethnic groups that have over people.

The largest of these lower-level groups are Brazilian and Chilean, followed by Argentinian, Colombian, and Mexican. We also used data from the Census and administrative sources and statistical imputation methods to fill in some missing characteristics of people and dwellings. Data quality for Census provides more ethnic groups in new zealand statistics – ethnic groups in new zealand statistics on the quality of the Census data.

An independent panel of experts has assessed the quality of the Census dataset. Its second report Census External Data Quality Panel: Assessment of variables assessed an additional 31 variables.

In its third report, Final report of the Census External Data Quality Panelthe panel made 24 recommendations, several relating to preparations for the Census. Along with this report, the panel, supported by Stats NZ, produced a series of graphs summarising the sources of data for key Census individual variables, Census External Data Quality Panel: Data sources for key Census individual variables. Quick guide to the Census updated 16 September outlines the key changes we introduced as we prepared for the Census and the changes we made once collection was complete.

The geographic boundaries are as at 1 January See Statistical standard for geographic areas Data quality ratings for Census variables provides information on data quality ratings.

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New Zealand’s ethnic diversity will continue to increase | BERL


New Zealand also has a large migrant population, bringing a wide range of different ethnicities. More than a quarter of the population was born overseas Inalmost two-thirds of the Pacific population lived in AucklandEthnic groups in new zealand statistics – ethnic groups in new zealand statistics geoups, Other territorial authorities with larger communities of Pacific peoples include Porirua 14, people, There are several reasons.

However, these causes of vulnerability need to be balanced against factors that will increase their coping capacity. Pacific peoples living broups New Zealand may also be at ethnic groups in new zealand statistics – ethnic groups in new zealand statistics risk from environmental hazards. Reasons include:. Читать статью This data comes from the Census of Populations and Dwellings. The Census had a lower than expected response rate, resulting in Stats NZ introducing new methods to produce the dataset, including using data from alternative sources.

EHI have decided жмите update the population statistics on this webpage, based on the documentation relating to these indicators.

The Census variable of ‘ethnicity’ had an EDQP rating of ‘moderate’, particularly for levels of the ethnicity classification below Level 1 note that Level 1 ethnic groups are presented on this webpage [ 3 ]. Latest news Our newsletter. Publication search Reports and journal articles Presentations. Environmental Health Indicators. Ethnic profile This section describes the ethnic distribution of the New Zealand population. Some ethnic groups are more susceptible to environmental changes than others.

On this page: New Zealand has a diverse ethnic mix. Regional differences in ethnic groups. Inthe New Zealand population included: View larger map. Useful links. Data quality enw the Census Provides information to help you understand the quality of the Census dataset. Ethnicity statistics – Stats NZ Statistics about ethnicity give information by the ethnic groups that people identify with or feel they belong to.

Stat website NZ. Stat is a free web tool, published by Stats NZ, that allows you to create and customise tables from large datasets. Census data and population estimates are available in NZ. Useful links Back to Top.


Ethnic groups in new zealand statistics – ethnic groups in new zealand statistics. Ethnic groups in New Zealand

Statistics about ethnicity give information by the ethnic groups that people identify with or feel they belong to. Ethnicity is a measure of cultural. As at the census, the majority of New Zealand’s population is of European descent (70 percent), with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority (


– Ethnic groups in new zealand statistics – ethnic groups in new zealand statistics

Statistics about ethnicity give information by the ethnic groups that people identify with or feel they belong to. Ethnicity is a measure of cultural. As at the census, the majority of New Zealand’s population is of European descent (70 percent), with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority (

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