High School DxD (TV Series –) – Parents Guide – IMDb.: Customer reviews: High School DxD: The Series (Limited Edition) [Blu-ray]

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Parents Guide · Sex & Nudity (16) · Violence & Gore (3) · Profanity (8) · Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking (1) · Frightening & Intense Scenes (2) · Certification. It has an engaging plot, good characters, and comedy that extends beyond prat falls and accidental boob grabs. The story centers around Issei Hyodom, a pervert.

Rating high school dxd

Personally, I like a good sexual comedy anime every once and a while, and DxD delivers.


Rating high school dxd


She is someone everyone admires and lusts about. She is the president of the Occult Club. And she is of course, the main heroine as well as one of the reasons some of us are watching this series for the lulz. She takes a curious interest in our protagonist Issei after the incident but what really makes her unique is her definite character.

Behind her outer shell is a girl who takes responsibility and does what she does best: helping others. These traits seem to pass onto Issei for despite his creepiness around the academy, he is known to be helpful and hardworking.

Then, we have some of the other characters. The sadistic Akeno who is also admired among the academy. Then, we have our mascot, the all adorable loli Koneko-chan. Behind that cute loli apperance lies a girl of power and valor who puts her own life at risk to help others.

Next, we have Asia-san, the pure girl that reflects the innocence of the series after all the lewd story arcs and peerage. Finally, we have Kiba who serves as the antithesis of Issei, whom he despises to no end. And of course, all these characters of the Occult Club are the bridge to Issei’s path of becoming someone who he never thought he’d be. Fan-service is nothing new but a device used to attract viewers. So, if you can’t take the boobs, ass, and nudity, then feel free to watch another series.

If you have a serious issue with the uncensored scenes and fan-service, then just drop the damn series as no one is forcing you to watch. However, if you can take it like a true anime fan, then kudos to you as you will be proud once you complete perhaps the ecchiest if that’s even a word series of this year The art of this series is just meh for me.

I didn’t take much notice of it as most people are probably paying attention more to the action and fan-service than art when watching this. I don’t blame you, I mean who could take their eyes off one second of that million dollar body of Rias Gremory? I do admit that it does mixes in well especially in later episodes where the seriousness conveys the more dramatic visage of the story.

It’s not as powerful as Yuki Kajiura’s soundtracks from Mai-Hime or Tsubusa Chronicles but still all in all, it does fit well once you listen to it carefully. Despite being labelled as a ecchi and even harem on MAL, this series does have a storyline. Yes, can you believe it? An actual ecchi anime with a decent storyline!

As such in series like this, you can expect the master and slave relationship. One catch though. This time, the girl is the master. However, behind the scenes of the fan-service and nudity lies a story where a young boy goes from zero to hero. The storyline gets deeper in the light novels but the anime isn’t all too shabby.

It starts off as a predictable opening, goes to a more emotional setting, and then goes out with a bang. A literal bang thanks to what Issei learns and became throughout the series. When God gave us brains, we all have different views on everything like anime, manga, life, appearances, etc. However, if you just watched the trailer or first 5 mins of the series and decided to hit that drop button, then I feel really sorry for you.

Because this series is more than just about ecchi and fan-service. It has potential. It has emotion. It has drama. It has interest. If you have serious problems with watching this anime, then maybe think about your High School memories.

I bet Issei’s virginity that the memories of your High School years won’t be that much better than this series. Nice 0. Love it 0. Funny 0. Confusing 0. Informative 0. Well-written 0. Creative 0. More reviews by Stark Read more. Show less. Not Recommended. Surprisingly, despite this being labeled as “harem,” this show didn’t feel much like harem to me.

Really strange. In fact, Sword Art Online felt even more of a harem than this, but ok. Issei only had like one real love interest, and that was Rias. Maybe it’s the perspective of socially awkward people who think that if a girl talks to a guy, that means that the girl is in love with the guy that makes them think this is a harem. So I guess harem now means having a bunch of female characters and having one relevant male character in a same show.

But I’m pretty sure that doesn’t qualify a show as harem either. Obviously one of the most important factors in these shows is the main protagonist. Everything centers around them, after all. Harem genre in general, unfortunately, does not have much variety in what main characters they could have.

Very rarely you have protagonists like Keima, who is on a class of his own, or Shidou, who’s at least likeable despite being incredibly generic just because he’s not an annoying piece of shit that causes more problems for himself than everything else in the show. And then you have Issei. This protagonist just happens to be one of the obnoxious protagonists you could have in a show, harem or not. Did you ever watch other shows and saw that silly “perverted guy” who always hangs out near the main character and only exists as a brief comic relief?

Yeah, that guy is a main protagonist now. Hope you liked those brief comic reliefs, because that’s definitely not going to get old after an entire series. If that wasn’t bad enough, he’s also “that” guy who happens to have one of the most powerful McGuffins in the series, which makes him suddenly important.

Normally this wouldn’t be too offensive since it’s done by literally every other show, where the protagonist happens to have that special trait that gives him unfair advantage no matter what, but the way this show handles it is just terrible. You see, the side characters that Rias has under her are supposed to represent what Issei lacks- Outside of them being awfully shallow as characters and merely existing to pander to specific parts of the audience as overdone archetypical tools that are in nearly any JRPG ever, they are supposed to exist to make Issei feel comparatively inferior.

In fact, in the last episode, Issei talks about how he lacks the strength, healing ability, magical ability, or swordfighting skills while fighting the obligatory final boss of the season- Does this all matter? He has the most powerful weapon shown in the series so far, so why is this relevant?

What was the point of making him seem “inferior” to others when all he has to do is do the typical resolve speech and it will make him just instantly more powerful than everyone else? Let’s put that in this context and see if that sounds any less ridiculous: “I may not have a bamboo stick, boxing gloves, or a first-aid kit, but I have a rifle that I can shoot you with.

I also liked that chess analogy that the show kept bringing it up, though. It’s almost like it’s just there for the sake of being pretentious. And it is. As for Rias, she’s just bland as any other character in this show.

Oh, that’s right- That’s every Disney princess speech about how they’re so perfect that it’s bad. Outside of that, she falls in love with Issei because he’s the main character and also because her fiancee conveniently happens to be a pretty huge dick like again, every Disney princess plot.

While I’m not looking for super originality here, it’s pretty bad if you’re ripping off the fucking Disney routine. Of course, it doesn’t help considering the second half of the show involves this Disney princess routine being played out for too many episodes while the first half involves this clearly not evil girl suddenly calling Issei out on a date only to show her true evil nature in the same episode.

The asinine pacing can be further shown by how Issei goes on later about how he truly cared about this girl he met for less than a day and how he’s sad to realize that she was evil all along.

Am I supposed to feel sad here? Later, Issei meets this other random girl, who he also met for less than a day, and later on she gets captured by the aforementioned evil girl, and then she experiences a horrible Disney death on a techno-cross. Good thing Rias can resurrect dead people, so that didn’t matter in the end. The great part is that there was supposed to be this time limit about saving her before it was too late, but that turned out to be totally irrelevant too.

Way to build tension and break it in the same episode. Trivialize an already inconsequential death of a girl that the MC has met for less than a day is truly the best way to invoke emotions. As for the other elements of the show, the music is pretty generic, but not painful to listen to. The animation is also incredibly average, which is about what you’d expect from a show of this genre. Though if I had to point out a flaw, it would be that the character designs were just really generic.

If you can’t give your characters any depth, at least make them look interesting. Overall, the show is bad. Shallow characters, annoying main character, irrelevant consequences including how the MC “sacrificed” his arm for a power up, which was completely inconsequential , lack of an actual antagonist with an actual motive, and just overall being boring. It’s downright offensive. The pacing was all over the place, and including quarter of the show with fillers is probably the most retarded idea one could come up with.

Frankly, for the longest time, I’ve been wondering why these harem shows were mostly awful. Maybe it’s the overwhelming amount of pandering shoved into my face that is causing me to not enjoy these shows very much. But more than likely it’s just because they’re fucking terrible. I tried to watch this all the way through while ignoring all the pandering so that maybe I could appreciate the hidden depth within. Or the lack thereof. It didn’t turn out well after all.

Let’s not try that again. And neither should you. More reviews by MarlyTT Mixed Feelings. High School DxD is an anime that has been praised as the best ecchi ever made, and in a way that is accurate.

Seriously though, it is an ecchi. For all of you ecchi haters, stay away. Shove down your masochistic tendencies and walk away, this is not an anime you are going to enjoy. High School DxD has quickly become synonymous with that phrase.

But even then, that was not the sole reason I turned this show on. I generally am the type that needs a So when I heard that DxD also had this really cool story to accompany it, I was sold.

Allow me to inform you that I can in good conscience say I feel betrayed A three way war between Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels. An expansive world with history behind it. Varying degrees of mythology from different countries. Sadly, these aspects are quickly overshadowed by the story surrounding the main character.

High School setting? It’s in the bloody title. But what I wasn’t expecting was a poor story about a servant and his literal power-ups. The story wants to be serious, but fails miserably at it.

The so called “emotional” moments had me rolling my eyes, and the dialogue left me stunned from how many cliche Shounen lines it had. I am attempting to avoid spoilers, which is why I am avoiding the specifics that made this story as bad as it was. Just know this, it is a cool concept that loses points due to the execution. Art: 6 It was good and filled to the brim with boobs and panty-shots.

I don’t know what else I can really say. It was nothing spectacular, but is by no means un-watchable. Standard fare for when it was released. Sound: 9 The OST was pretty solid. The music did a surprisingly good job of adding to the scenes.

The standout aspect of the sound for me was actually the voice acting. I watched the show dubbed, but I have seen enough of the subbed to know that both are good. But in my opinion, watch the show dubbed. The voices may actually be more fitting in the subbed, personal preference really. But the dub has dialogue that adds to the hilarity of the scenes exponentially.

When the MC can “promise not to drain his pimp-juice”, it’s a damn fine dub. Character: 5 Issei- An extremely typical pervert. I really, really disliked Issei.

He is literally an idiot, and every single one of his thoughts revolves around something lewd. Of course he is also a decent guy with a heart of gold, but hey, that’s just par for the course. He is established early on as a good hearted pervert, and he remains a good hearted pervert until the end. He does gain a bit of development, but it really is just a bit. Rias Gremory- Here we have the gorgeous, devil senpai you read about in the description.

A surprisingly decent character. She is strong willed, honest, and oddly compassionate. Peculiar for a devil, but this show does break the occasional trope. What I liked about her character was how she took everything for what it was. Fully acknowledging and accepting Issei’s perversion, and using it as a motivation. She doesn’t care what other people think, and does as she wishes.

Asia- Rarely have I found a more stereotypical “nice girl”. She is incredibly sweet to everyone, a bit naive and innocent, and completely incapable of defending herself. Did I mention she’s a nun that falls for the main character instantly. I didn’t dislike Asia, but I found it hard to like her as she hardly felt like a character. She was immediately filed into my brain as a ball of cliches, and I felt nothing for her because of that.

The notable side characters are Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko. The busty sadist with a kind exterior, the respectful pretty boy, and the expressionless loli with a love for sweets, respectively. I was a big fan of these characters, and really wanted to see more of them. Enjoyment: 5 There are a few things to enjoy about this anime, maybe you enjoy the comedy, the action, or the titillating imagery. For me, the comedy was hit or miss.

Some jokes I loved, others I hated. The ones I hated usually pertained to Issei’s perversion, it is such an overused concept that I don’t even crack a smile. The comedy I loved was mostly in regards to the dialogue, definitely my favorite part.

I really liked the action. Especially in the later episodes, I felt genuinely invested in what was happening. The action was accompanied by serious tones without being emotional tones, and they were pretty well done. The massive amounts of fan-service in this show really didn’t do much on the enjoyment factor either. It doesn’t lose any points, but boobs and panty-shots alone don’t do anything.

I suppose if you pause during one of Issei’s fantasies you could pitch a tent, but it didn’t do much. Overall: 5 By that score alone, you may think it isn’t worth watching.

A passable story with some decent characters and good dialogue, seems like it isn’t worth your time. But for all of you ecchi fans, and for those who can at least tolerate ecchi, this is worth watching.

Because it gets better. The first season of High School DxD really isn’t that good, but the second season is good, and you can expect it to improve from there. Being knowledgeable about the original source material, many of the flaws in this anime will be fixed.

The story will improve, characters will develop, it will become a good fantasy story. One aspect of High School DxD that I applaud the creator for is his honesty in regards to fan-service. He makes the fan-service a plot point by truly involving it in the MC’s drives and later abilities. He gives the fan-service a plausible reason for existing considering the amoral nature of the devils. The author embraces fan-service, which is a unique aspect I award credit for. High School DxD is an ecchi that develops into a good story.

Anyone who tries to pass this first season off as the best ecchi ever is just lying to you. But it is worth watching just to see what comes later. It stands out from the other ecchi harems that I have seen in sense that the first season cannot really be considered a harem but rather Issei going after the female love interest Rias Gremory. Some of the other female characters do show interest such as Asia when Issei becomes more intimate with the other girls.

But the real harem aspects of High School DxD show up in the second season. If you are a fan of the ecchi genre you will be pleased to hear that DxD I went into it not knowing what to expect, and surprisingly it has exceeded the relatively low expectations I had for it. High School DxD falls into the “it’s good for what it is” category and does not try to be something it is not.

This is why it should be viewed as first and foremost a fan service show. With some laugh out loud moments, senseless antics and occasional dramatic tones in the overarching plot.

High School DxD has an actual story and distinctive character development. With the fan service aside the show actually does have its merits.

I particularly like the art style, decent visuals, and the music score. High School DxD gives you a lot of variety in the female characters as well as the situations they get undressed.

The girls of the Occult Research Club range from Koneko, a very petite and small breasted girl who displays a lack of emotion and seems rather unaffected by everything. As well as the voluptuous Rias with Asia more on the petite side. All of the female characters are sexy and attractive in different ways. Evaluate it as a fan service focused series; it delivers on what it is, an ecchi harem comedy with an angels versus devils versus fallen angles aspect This can get pretty confusing and doesn’t make sense at times.

It is a little better than average and one of the top recent series in its genre. You will be disappointed, watch it for what it is and you may find enough enjoyment to keep watching. I would recommend it to anyone new to ecchi and if this sounds interesting to anyone they should definitely check it out. More reviews by AnuCheekiBreeki 2. In search of an enjoyable anime featuring hot girls, demons, a cleaver plot and tons of comedy?

Search no further: this is the anime for you! Possibly the best anime of the season with the best girl: Rias. Issei is a total badass and should never be underestimated. His perverted attitude is but a shell to his inner kind side.

Issei is a guy that never will let any girl cry and punish those who take advantage of him or his harem. A total bro. A must watch for The opening and ending are very good and catchy. More reviews by Lyunatx 1. Being a massive fan of the DxD series, I absolutely loved the anime adaptation. Anyone who has read the light novels would realise just how much emotional depth all the characters go through, especially Issei the main protagonist who I can only say had a VERY traumatic first girlfriend experience.

High School DxD has a new take to a harem story, the author guaranteed a happy ending for all the girls and the plot is getting results that show it unlike other harem stories which can just end up a pain in the neck as the main protagonist is unable to choose. First of all, you This of course closely ties into the effects used in the animation which were pretty much spot on to how i imagined them to be, especially in the battle scenes.

You hear a lot of people complain about this series being “too ecchi” and put you off from watching but you’ll just be missing out. This series was made with ecchi in mind but not to the degree of other series such as To Love Ru or Sekirei; they’re pretty much several times worse in terms of ecchi level.

However, I will say that the anime did add more fanservice and nude scenes than the original novel which many may think as a way to get views and sales. I myself am glad they did, not because there’s more ecchi scenes to see but because it increases the chances of another season.

The reason why im hoping for more of the anime is because the best parts of the story are towards to latter half of the light novel volumes and I would like to see it animated. The extra fanservice was doen in good taste and suited the pace of the story so it can be overlooked. For anyone who thinks that there is little character development, I can now inform you that a second season is going into production and I guarantee that you wont be disappointed with the new characters that are going to appear.

Every character has a part of themselves that is kept hidden past but the troubles are overcome through the friendship and relationship amongst the group. In reality, it would have been better if they spent more time on the main plot to include more details and make the short stories into OVAs. Of course, they didnt miss out some infamous lines where the most memorable one appears in episode 12 of the anime. It would have been preposterous for them to have missed out that one. I know that this review may have strayed from just talking about this season of this anime and I apologise for that however, I needed to bring in other factors in hope that all you out there give this a shot and persuade you to watch it as the foundation to the greatness that is to follow.

Reviewing DxD in such constricted context does not bring it justice. On a final note, don’t watch this with females unless you know they’re alright with an ecchi series They’re only going to get jealous with the beautiful female characters. More reviews by Ikaros 3. The plot in itself has actually surprised me, in a good way, from what I would expect from this sub-genre.

While not fantastic in any one department it does its job well enough that, at least for me, I was entertained throughout. More reviews by XfizzyX 8. Oppai, man we aaaall love oppai, they’re round, good lookin, have a nipple in the middle.

Man, but what about big oppai? Maybe oppai every single episode? Welp you got it! This show is a pretty weird example of fanservice, you got it everywhere! Hell some episodes nearly feel like filler episodes till the end of the episodes that continue the story.

I came out of this show with no pants and a wet dick, but for now lets get to the review. Shall we? So in Issei’s final seconds he thinks about a girl called Rias who he saw earlier ago, and he ends up summoning her cause she’s a demon! And this is where our adventure begins.

This story goes on till episode 6 with filler, fanservice and the plot is kind of messy at times and hell at times I was wondering, “Am I watching anime, or softcore hentai?

One moment Issei progesses the story by learning something another second he’s being a pervert and theres oppais everywhere.

Overall its ok, not much to say but it fits the show. A little more detail can be put in but its ok, overall. The opening is a very nice and calm tune showing you what to expect in this show. The ending is this great and upbeat tune kind of like you’re watching a play and you’re about to leave and they put this Up beat song, this is probably what it would be. Songs go from slow and beautiful tones to Epic and Mighty tunes pumping up your heart!

The sound quality is overall well done and good as hell. First you got Issei, typical pervert, At times I like Issei at times I hate him, he usually does everything wrong that just makes me wanna kick his ass until he realizes he’s an idiot. At times he could actually be pretty humurous and make some ol’jokes. Then you got Rias, she’s a pretty good character, she usually does whats best for Issei and sure she only changes a bit in the end of the series but you just can’t help but like her.

Then you got Asia, your cliched character who falls in love with the MC, will get jealous if someone trys to do anything romantic with him and the usual cliches. Her backstory is pretty explainable itself but she’s too generic. The character developements aren’t really strong and feel meh, like they aren’t trying. I have no problem with fanservice so I was able to watch this at ease.

If you have a problem with fanservice or overall hate it. Stay from this show like its poop. If not you’ll easily enjoy this show, if you go through this show without fapping once, you’re tough enough to be in the weenies club. Cause theres a LOT of fappable content, so make sure you have some lotion ready before watching this. More reviews by JKinky88 At the end of watching you will feel like its a normal anime but not at the same time because of the nudity.

END you can stop reading Other Notes : the main character is quite well thought out and he actually works to prove his worth and make’s girls fall for him him that I can say is what a harem anime should be. Guys proving themselves it makes more scenes that way other then that Sound,art are great too. More reviews by kimmochi 3.

First of all, what i don’t get is why would someone complain about ecchi, i don’t get it, it makes no sense, of all the things one could complain about, it has to be ecchi? Well my friend, let me tell you, half, if not, the majority of people who watch this anime are watching it solely for the fanservice, it’s called “Fan service” for a reason, but really, why would the developers bother putting fanservice in an anime if people didn’t like it?

More reviews by Downgrade 3. Overview: Both film and television have a great number of genres and sub-genres. Some of these sub-genres are quite easy to pull off, like the “jump scare” adolescent horror movies that Blumhouse shits out every year! One of the most difficult sub-genres to actually execute well is the “completely self aware, so bad it’s good comedy”. Many studios and directors attempt to tackle this sub-genre with films like “Sharknado” or “Snakes on a Plane” but Anime studios have also recently entered into this sub-genre with shows like High School of the Dead, but High school DxD largely succeeds where High school of the Dead fell flat on its face.

Plot: Do you like boobs? Do you like lots of blood? Do you like not being bothered with such cumbersome inconveniences as character development or a well written plot? This is the show for you! DxD is a story about a pervert that joins a largely female school to try gain his own harem. Instead he remains a virgin and a social pariah until the power of his bullshit “MacGuffin” forces him to choose a side in a faction war between Demons, Angels, and Fallen Angels.

The Demon faction are different from the fallen angels and were not created by Jehovah unlike the Angels and Fallen Angels. In the beginning of time, several powerful races came into being including Gods of whom Jehovah is one of many , the demons, and the dragons. The fallen Angels tried to exterminate the Demons in order to win back Jehovah’s favor, but Jehovah decided to declare war on both factions and start a 3 way war. This war devastated the ranks of the 3 armies and killed both Jehovah and the 4 original Demon Kings called “Satans”.

To the present day an uneasy truce has been kept between the surviving members of these factions. The plot in addition to absurd comedy, shameless fanservice, and slapstick serves as a giant FUCK YOU to religion and insults every religion in equal measure. It’s almost as if Bill Maher wrote this series DxD frequently references other anime and is VERY aware of all the tropes it is using including ripping off DBZ and perpetually name dropping obscure demons, angels, and other kaballah related terms as a middle finger to Evangelion’s admittedly insufferable use of this technique.

Characters: The characters from the main male protagonist Issei to the female protagonist Rias are very cardboard archetypes. The series doesn’t take itself seriously and never actually tries to develop these characters because the entire point of the series is to be enjoyably idiotic bullshit.

This was actually the right move for DxD because it becomes very annoying when a REALLY stupid series actually tries to take itself seriously and demands that the viewer respect its dignity. I’m looking at you Seikon no Qwasar! Art and sound: The art predictably features absurdly large breasts that move in ways that completely fuck the laws of physics. However, unlike Maoyuu Yuusha, which has similar breasts and then suddenly demands that the viewer put on a sophisticated cap and discuss theories of agricultural distribution, DxD KNOWS how stupid its breasts are and revels in it!

The English dub is actually excellent and the soundtrack is decent. Overall, surprisingly not bad from a purely technical view. However, it knows exactly how to be that special type of bad that is still for some reason amusing. You will grin like the Cheshire Cat while watching a train wreck in slow motion! I’m not saying I actually recommend this series, but if you want echii bullshit you could do WAY worse!

More reviews by literaturenerd More reviews by pakin Every once in a while an anime comes around that is so well done you have an eyegasm after every episode, simply put a masterpiece From personal observations I’ve noticed that people who can’t stand fanservice shoot down an anime because of fanservice. I find them to be more annoying and painful than bamboo splinters under my fingernails. I dont really understand why they keep watching, if thats the type of anime they hate with a passion, then why?

Are they masochists? Are they closet pervs who just don’t want to admit it? The fact of the matter is that if If you don’t like ecchi, dont watch it! Now onto the actual review.

The Bad -the main issue with harems is the character development, this be no exception. The main character is the stereotypical average student with a now common “want to protect” mindset.

I didn’t really see much character development, however I, from my view point, did see some I mentioning feel explaining would spoil but I can’t truly knock it down too much, unlike if it was to be a series with much more time in which i would have been pissed.

At times, the ecchi does get very excessive however I don’t qualify that as an excuse to throw this in the crap pile, its not really that unbearable. The good -to redeem the setting itself, it did have some diversity because even though the title of the anime is high school dxd, i found the situations to have nearly nothing to do with high school.

Hide Spoilers. Let me just say right off the bat that this show’s target audience is young men. It features attractive girls and plenty of nudity. With that being said, the show starts off seeming like just a fanservice anime with some elements of a story thrown in, but a story quickly develops–Hyoudou Issei is a perverted high school student who finally gets his first girlfriend, a girl named Yuuma. However, after their first date, she kills him, and it is revealed that she is a fallen angel.

He is revived by the gorgeous Rias Gremory, a red-haired beauty that is the president of the Occult Research Club at Issei’s school. She tells him that she is a demon, and that he has been revived as a demon to serve as her underling. The show is funny and has plenty of action and, uh, “certain” scenes are prevalent throughout. Unlike an anime like, say, Highschool of the Dead, the fanservice in High School DxD actually serves as somewhat of a plot device considering Issei’s character, I guess that’s to be expected.

Although the whole nudity thing might fool you, the show’s foundation is actually very strong, benefiting from an intriguing story and one of the most likable cast of characters in anime–although I might just be saying that because I’m a member of the target audience.

Overall, this is a very light-hearted story about demons, fallen angels, and breasts–although whether you want to make it about breasts is your choice. My only complaint is that much is that, as far as origins go, much is left unexplained. But hey, there’s only so much you can do with 12 episodes.

Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. This show certainly isn’t for everyone. I couldn’t recommend it to anyone other than young men, who will most certainly at least enjoy the constant nudity. But that shouldn’t put everyone off. The series starts off seeming perverted, but as it progresses it starts getting soppy, cutesy and romantic.

And so what? It’s a boy’s show, meant for boys at the kind of age where hot girls and breasts are all that matter, and in that area, it works. The main point of criticism I have is in the writing.

Some of the dialogue, is, well, pretty embarrassing, but on the whole it’s okay. And I couldn’t help feeling that the plots could be better; that many things about the demons weren’t explored as much as I wanted them to be. In fact, the writing goes out of the way to include something to with boobs or whatever, but I guess that’s what the exploitation genre is all about. But still, the animation was very good, as was the music. Some of the battle sequences were thrilling, and the interactions between the main protagonist and his friends were pretty hilarious.

On the whole, I enjoyed it; not for everyone, but if you’re into this sort of thing, give it a go. Waiting for season 5 just to how cao cao will be defeated by boob dragon. Overall it was amazing anime not for everyone and entertaining. Thank you. It’s unfortunate that some people can’t see past the sexual comedy in the show to realize the story is quite well developed, and the action and characters all have motivations.

Personally, I like a good sexual comedy anime every once and a while, and DxD delivers. Some of the jokes are subtle, while others are nearly straight up pornographic, which I don’t always have a problem with.

The show is well animated and has an excellent English dub for those who prefer to not read sub-titles. All in all, DxD is amazing and one of my personal favorites. I highly recommend this title to any anime lover above the age of RecapAnime 4 September Okay to get it out of the way, this anime is heavy on the harem which is why I would never recommend this to anyone, this is the kind of anime that you would stumble upon on your own.

But having the harem in it is what gives the anime that extra boost and should not be judged for it. A show should be judged by the story and the quality of it which is why I gave it a 9 out of That being said, this anime is freaking awesome.

The story does take an episode or two to get going but once it does, it is fantastic. A story about angels, fallen angels and demons, adding into it with violence and sexual content and boom you got “Highschool DxD”.

Along with very likable characters like Issei who’s dream is to become the “Harem King”, to even Satan himself, every character has a personality that the viewer can enjoy. Now what makes this even better is that if you do decide to watch this anime and get into it, you’ll be happy to know that there is a third season being developed and if you’re like me and prefer dubbed over subbed November season 2 will be released in dubbed.

In all from the two seasons that I watched I am very pleased and anxious to watch the third season when it starts and hopefully will continue after that. It looked pretty interesting. In all 12 episodes all the way to Season 1 to Season 4, there are lots of funny moments, and some hot sexy scenes, but I think for me, it’s not half bad as many people think. High School DxD is a pretty good show so far, and one of my two favorite characters are: Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima, because there nice, strong and powerful women, that not what they expected : Welcome to Occult Research Club :.

Rako91 25 October First of all, this is an action comedy, harem ecchi romanced, school anime with quite the amount of fan service, if this bothers you, you should not consider this as you will see quite the amount of nudity.

If you on the other hand are not bothered by this, please keep on reading! Ever since finishing High school DxD New which is the season 2 of this show, I have been trying to find another decent ecchi, harem show.

Sad to say i have been very disappointed, and i dare say the reason is that this show unlike many others of it’s kind, do have a plot. I also felt like the characters in this show developed quite a bit throughout the show which I find rare in this genre.

Still a lot of show’s I haven’t seen What I also think helped this anime which i liked; – Likable characters! Rare for this genre from what i’ve seen Pretty cool action scenes Protagonist not a total wuss Probably forgotten about some but anyways, an absolute favorite of mine in this genre and one anime I highly recommend, if you can live with some fan service.

Issei is a typically lecherous teenage boy who gets killed by his new girlfriend who happens to be a fallen angel The other members of the club are also demons and have rankings based on chess pieces. From then on he tries to get soul contracts and strengthen his demonic powers, but he’s basically a nice guy, and all he really cares about is boobs, which I can totally understand haha Issei isn’t a superhero, but he’s no weakling either and he isn’t afraid of the girls like most anime hero guys This series is awesome.

Only one request please don’t keep animation style of season 4. Please keep animation style of season 3. Because season 4’s animation felt very bad. High school DXD is one of the best anime has a great story line as well as with some great characters.

It is an anime with a lot of nudity and boobs but it clearly doesn’t mean that it lack in content. Issei the protagonist of the show is one of the most hilarious character. He can make u laugh even in the most intense scenes you can think of. The show is somewhat related to mythology as well as it’s about the three factions present in the world the devil’s,fallen angels and Angels.

The reason this show is loved by so many people is cause it attracts people in masses. If you are looking for a romantic show or with a lot of actions or a show with mythology or looking for a show with lot of humor. Doesn’t it makes the show sound more awesome.

I started watching this just because my friend recommend it to me. And I was like if it’s a harem anime it will just just have nudity and no story at all. But I have to accept I still thank him for recommending this show to me. I literally got hooked from the first episode and couldn’t stop myself until I didn’t finish all the 3 seasons. I have become an absolute fan of this show. Everyday I search about the official announcement of season 4 of this show.

I will always be eagerly waiting for the new season. I really can’t understand how this show can even lose its popularity.

Guyz if you like the show make sure u rate it the best on IMDb to force the producers of this show to make a new season as soon as possible. I guarantee this show won’t make u bore even a bit at any moment.

MarkyMarkus 20 May I wasn’t too sure what to think about this show going into it. I found the plot synopsis pretty interesting so I thought I would check it surprised me in two ways.

It has an engaging plot, good characters, and comedy that extends beyond prat falls and accidental boob grabs. The story centers around Issei Hyodom, a pervert turned Devil and Rias Gremory, A voluptuous devil who is head of a prestigious family.

They are solid characters who are much more than your typical harem anime archetypes. Is it the best anime out there? No, but it is a good watch that I would recommend, even if you aren’t a fan of fan service. Though admittedly, If you don’t like fan service, I could imagine some not liking it.

I would say just try to look past it and enjoy a pretty good show. I didn’t think I would like the show because it had lots of nudity in it, but just watching it I realized it is really a great show. Best harem anime I watched if you ask me. This is really a good anime.


Rating high school dxd.Rating Game


The Rating Game shares many similarities with the board game Chess. In fact, the Rating Game is so famous that the Top 10 rankers are considered as heroes to the Rating high school dxd. It is fought on a map of their choosing, and can be created to be a perfect replica of any location they desire. Only matured Devils are allowed to participate in читать статью Rating Games.

Only Devils with peerages can become the King Piece. The maximum number of players in a Rating Game is 16 and like the game of chess, the players lose when their King loses. Aside from the normal rules, there are two more special rules for the Rating Game, the first being the Dice Figure Game and the second being the Rating high school dxd Flag Game. A variant of Rating Game with different mechanics. Both Kings will roll a six-sided dice one each and the number added best public schools dallas – best public in dallas area from both Kings will determine the value of Pieces servants to be sent.

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The value of each pieces are as follows:. DxD Content. Volume 01 Volume DxD World. Characters Terminology Mythological Devils. Occult Research Club Student Council. DxD Powers.

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