Is raleigh-durham a great place to live.Raleigh Named No. 1 Best Place to Live in North Carolina

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What have I missed? Share your thoughts, or leave any questions in the comments below. We are here to help! Great list! We moved to the area in April after doing extensive research on the area and having made several visits down and it is shocking to us that how prattle research people do before moving down here and the have the audacity to complain about how the things are that they clearly chose not to look into!!! We had looked into real estate prior to the pandemic and in beginning of it and clearly it was a very different market then but we continued to keep our eyes on it and had an awesome realtor who kept us in the loop and was honest about how tough the market was becoming.

It meant we had to do a lot of planning, make some quick decisions and be able to make some significant adjustments to our original plans. Again, we knew that would not only be possible but would be probable.

We are having a blast eating our way through the plethora of restaurants in the triangle. You try new things and find what you love and enjoy the adventures along the way!!!! Glad you found the list helpful, and welcome, you have the right attitude about relocating to Raleigh! All the best with your new life here! Great article Craig. The only two things on the list that shook me a bit were the flying roaches and copperhead snakes.

Though I did know of both before reading the list However, neither will prevent me from moving to the Raleigh area! There are so many positive things about the area that far outweigh any perceived or real negatives. The warm and friendly people, the greenery, the small city feel, the craft beer scene, the seemingly endless family friendly events, and the cost of living are major pluses.

Even with the significant increased cost of purchasing a home, there is no comparison in terms of value to what you pay in the New York metro area. Anyway, thanks for another excellent piece and keep up the excellent work!! Thanks Steve, appreciate you being a part of our email community! I definitely would not let roaches and copperhead snakes deter you from living in Raleigh. And like I said, we grew up in Australia with 8 out of 10 most poisonous snakes in the world and have never had an issue.

Same with cockroaches, we grew up with them too. There is honestly something no matter where you live. Yes, the positives far outweigh the negatives, and the value for money here is still great compared to say NY and Sydney where we come from!

Thanks for the reassurance Craig! And I agree about the value in the Raleigh are, in spite of these past few years of increases. Might be a cooling off! Best, Steve. What an amazingly well done article. I think you perfectly captured all of the positives and negatives of living in Raleigh. More emphasis needed on the fact that if you prefer no customer service coldness and speed please for the love of god go move somewhere else. That is what a former northerner like me cherishes here.

Please just go home if you like being treated like crap, honked at in traffic, and over all treat cashiers like computers. We absolutely love the customer care and slow pace.

IT is what makes Raleigh such a great place to live. I hope that never changes just to get a faster pace of life. Keep Raleigh Raleigh. It certainly has some challenges and is experiencing a lot of growing pains at the moment. I started pretending I was a traveler in my town, which helped me experience it with a different set of eyes and got me through until I eventually could leave.

I hope you can find some peace moving forward and all goes well with your parents. Thank you for your kind words. After further consideration I believe removing my post would be for the best so please take it down. I wrote this before my covid19 fever broke.

I am much better now. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Read more here , or click the link below Click here to get started. If you found this post helpful, you may wish to: Thank you!

However, compared to larger cities, there are only a few nightlife options for young, single people. There are a few dance clubs and bars, but most entertainment spots are for families. The weather in Carolina doesn’t always offer its residents an experience of the four seasons. Summers in Raleigh can be scorching, with temperatures reaching the 90s, usually around July and August.

If you live near the coast, humidity can also rise, leaving you with a sticky, uncomfortable feeling. Winters in Raleigh are good, with temperatures consistently in the 50s. And during January and February, the temperatures rarely reach below freezing. Thus, if you want to experience all the four seasons, Raleigh might not be the city for you.

Although the city is centrally located, the drive to the beach can be quite challenging. When there is light traffic, it will take you about two hours to drive to the Atlantic Ocean. During the peak of summer, it will take you more than two hours to get to your destination. If you’d like to go skiing or snowboarding in the mountains, it will also take you about two hours. You can do many outdoor activities at Raleigh, but you’ll need to take a day trip to do it.

In this article, you’ve taken the time to understand what living in Raleigh is like. While this beautiful southern city has a lot to offer, make sure to consider both the pros and cons before moving to Raleigh.

For further inquiries regarding finding a property in Raleigh, or any other property services, contact Schambs Property Management. Next Post Previous Post. Click-to-call: Pros of Living in the City of Raleigh 1.

Beautiful, Southern Charm This urban city features beautiful oak trees that surround the streets. Numerous Job Opportunities The unemployment rates in this city are much lower than the national average.

Excellent opportunities for education There are 11 different university and college campuses in the Raleigh metro area. Multiple Outdoor Activities to Enjoy You can always enjoy the outdoors in Raleigh, whether you choose to hike up the mountains or lounge by the beach. There is a feeling of comfortability and familiarity in Raleigh that comes from that small-town feel. You may not recognize it at first, give it six months though and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

The population in Raleigh, NC has seen an increase from , people in the year to nearly , folks here in This growth in population makes Raleigh one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. If you’re anything like me you enjoy the opportunity to meet new people while running into the ones you met previously. Raleigh is a city, and it’s a small town, at the same time.

It’s large enough so that you’re always meeting new people and small enough so that you’re constantly running into the ones you know! Part of what makes the community so great in Raleigh are the people who call the city home.

Living in Raleigh you will encounter some of the nicest, most welcoming people in the world. The happiness of the people who live in Raleigh is a product of everything Raleigh has to offer including the number one place for jobs, awesome weather, and affordability, unlike most other cities.

After I made the move from Boston I realized right away that the personality of the city is contagious. You’ll find yourself a happier person because you’re surrounded by people who are happy. If you have a dog, there are dog parks everywhere in Raleigh! If you’re moving to Raleigh you will have a much easier time finding a job than you will anywhere else.

The Raleigh airport, also known as Raleigh Durham International Airport RDU has seen some major renovations in recent years as well as new airlines bringing new flight paths in and out of the Raleigh area. With more than 24, job openings there is sure to be one for you, and the median base salary to median home value is some of the best in the country! Additionally, Raleigh has a job satisfaction rating of 3.

A lot of executives will move to Raleigh to begin working in RTP with so many larger businesses that have their office headquarters there. Go to Downtown Raleigh and you will see other companies like RedHat and Citrix who have set their headquarters there.

So far Apex has been ranked the best place to live and Raleigh is ranked the best city for jobs. So what else will you love about moving to Raleigh? It was a difficult job, eating at so many great restaurants, but someone had to do it I went ahead and tried all of the best restaurants in Raleigh, and here is a list of the 17 Irresistible Restaurants you have to try!

Be careful when reading, your mouth may start to water! One of the South’s top 10 tastiest towns as ranked by Southern Living Magazine, foodies have a special place in their hearts for the cuisine in Raleigh. If you are relocating to Raleigh you’ll want to be sure you head downtown for a night at Bida Manda I recommend the Pork Belly Soup or The Fiction Kitchen vegetarian , they will hit taste buds you didn’t even know you had!

With over 1, Restaurants in the Raleigh area, you will always find something new to try. What separates Raleigh from a lot of the restaurants from other places around the world is the service, it’s more than just fine dining, it’s an experience you’ll have to try for yourself! Searching for food outside of Downtown Raleigh? Maybe in the Cary or Apex area? Check out the 17 best Raleigh area restaurants here.

Raleigh is a great place for food, and if you’re spending your time in Downtown Raleigh here are some of the best restaurants Downtown. While the food in Raleigh is some of the best in the country, the craft beer scene just might be the best in the nation! Let me repeat that. The city of Raleigh has the largest beer garden in the world.

It’s more than just a city with a few great breweries, Raleigh is home to some of the best craft beer in the world. With local breweries like Raleigh Brewing Co. In Raleigh, the homes for sale are some of the most affordable in the nation. Whether you’re searching for a house in Downtown Raleigh, North Raleigh, or in a suburb of Raleigh you’ll find the homes are priced fairly for the quality of life and economy.

Raleigh Real Estate and homes offer great value. If you are shopping for homes for sale in Raleigh please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Our team of Real Estate Agents loves to help people relocate to Raleigh! One of the biggest reasons people move to the Raleigh area is thanks to how affordable the city is.

It’s the only major technology city with home prices under the national average. If you are in the tech industry your cost of living in Raleigh will be significantly less than it will be in other major tech cities like San Francisco, California , or even Austin, Texas. People often compare Austin’s growth similarities to the growth Raleigh is currently experiencing. It’s a great time to be living in Raleigh! Whether you’re shopping for homes in Cary , Apex , Holly Springs , or Raleigh you’ll have easy access to the city, at an affordable price.

A lot of Cary is people who have moved from the northeast. The weather in Raleigh, in my opinion, is perfect and a great reason to relocate. We celebrate all four seasons yes, it snows here! Here is a great image to give you an idea of what to expect from month-to-month weather trends for Raleigh. Raleigh is ranked as the second most educated city in America by Forbes, and its neighbor Durham is third.



Why Raleigh-Durham Is One Of The Best Places To Live In NC.Reasons to Considering Moving to Raleigh NC


The atmosphere in Raleigh is warm and family friendly. Raleigh is often named one of the best places to live in and the best city in the southeast.

Raleigh is also known as the City of Oaks because it has plenty of oak trees. If you’re thinking about moving to NC, you should consider Raleigh. In this article, we’ll share the pros and cons of living in Raleigh to help you make the best decision.

This urban city features beautiful oak trees that surround the streets. Because of this, the town provides many job opportunities to its residents. Even though it has multiple interstates to help you travel, the city still retains its small-town charm. Because the city is centrally located, you can drive to the beach or enjoy time at the lakeside.

The fuel cost is also cheaper than other parts of the U. If you want to save more on housing, you can consider Durham. However, when taking everything into consideration, you can experience a city living at an affordable price here.

The unemployment rates in this city are much lower than the national average. The city offers many job opportunities for its residents, giving them the freedom to pursue their passion. Raleigh was even named the third best city for people looking for work in Raleigh is home to the Research Triangle Park, the oldest research park in the country. In this well-known complex, there are more than companies and 50, employees.

And while the skyline has sure changed, the values that make the Triangle special have not. The non-profit connects with farmers and artisans from across the world ensuring they’re paid a living wage. And why I think they’ll keep us here for even longer,” Westermann said. That Southern hospitality has been long-known but the Triangle’s strong schools, eclectic food scene, vast cultural facilities, and of course – sports – have brought renewed attention. All that positivity is playing a role in the ongoing Triangle Transformation – Tech stalwarts like Microsoft, Google, and Apple setting up and expanding, adding to the strength of RTP.

That’s been a boon for Taylor Myers with Management Recruiters of Raleigh who says there’s more big-time opportunities. Myers himself came to Raleigh 18 years ago to attend NC State and ended up staying — path attractive to businesses looking for talent. It’s a very educated area, it’s a very diverse area, it’s a very young area. In Raleigh, the homes for sale are some of the most affordable in the nation.

Whether you’re searching for a house in Downtown Raleigh, North Raleigh, or in a suburb of Raleigh you’ll find the homes are priced fairly for the quality of life and economy. Raleigh Real Estate and homes offer great value. If you are shopping for homes for sale in Raleigh please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Our team of Real Estate Agents loves to help people relocate to Raleigh! One of the biggest reasons people move to the Raleigh area is thanks to how affordable the city is. It’s the only major technology city with home prices under the national average. If you are in the tech industry your cost of living in Raleigh will be significantly less than it will be in other major tech cities like San Francisco, California , or even Austin, Texas.

People often compare Austin’s growth similarities to the growth Raleigh is currently experiencing. It’s a great time to be living in Raleigh! Whether you’re shopping for homes in Cary , Apex , Holly Springs , or Raleigh you’ll have easy access to the city, at an affordable price. A lot of Cary is people who have moved from the northeast.

The weather in Raleigh, in my opinion, is perfect and a great reason to relocate. We celebrate all four seasons yes, it snows here! Here is a great image to give you an idea of what to expect from month-to-month weather trends for Raleigh. Raleigh is ranked as the second most educated city in America by Forbes, and its neighbor Durham is third. With universities like North Carolina State University, Meredith College, Peace University, Duke University, and the University of North Carolina all within a short distance of Raleigh, it only makes sense that the area places a high priority on the quality of education.

Org is a great resource if you want to look up the ratings of schools in the Raleigh area. The accolades continue to pile up for Raleigh! If you’re planning to move to Raleigh and want to find homes for sale by the school district , we created a webpage to help you! It will help you find a great home that is in a school district you like! The art galleries in Raleigh are some of the best attractions in the city.

For a while, Art was the main attraction in Raleigh, and it inspired arts in other forms including music, craft beer, and fine dining, and inspired some of the custom new construction homes in Raleigh. You can search through the variety of collections on the NCMA website, though nothing you’ll see online will do justice in comparison to an in-person visit to the North Carolina Museum of Art!

If you love music, Raleigh is a great place to relocate. There are several live concerts a week going on in Raleigh whether your band is playing at the RedHat or Walnut Creek Amphitheater. For the not-so-often days and nights when there isn’t a concert, there is always live music somewhere in Raleigh. If you’re planning on relocating to the Raleigh area, you are sure to find some great nighttime entertainment. Raleigh has put a focus on its entertainment, especially in the past decade where they have revamped Fayetteville District, Moore Square, Glenwood South, and other areas around the city’s core.

You can take a look at an interactive guide to downtown Raleigh nightlife here. A product of music and craft beer, Raleigh attracts a lot of live music, fine dining, and bar hoppers downtown. There is something for everyone. The Carolina Hurricanes are the only professional sports team in Raleigh. College sports are big in Raleigh, particularly college basketball. Two of the top college basketball teams year in and year out are both located just minutes from the city of Raleigh.

If you love college sports it’s a great reason to relocate to the Raleigh area. If you enjoy going to the ball game, you’ll fall in love with the local baseball teams. How far is Raleigh NC from the beach? A short two-hour drive and your feet are in the sand. Their bodies are light brown to tan in color. They are capable of flying — but there is nothing dangerous about flying cockroaches!

When we were buying a home here in Raleigh, one of the things at the top of our wishlist was a screened in patio , or room to add one!

We love to be outside as much as possible and even though we grew up with mosquitos and flies in Australia, the mosquitoes still drive us nuts here! When you combine the annoyance of mosquitoes and bugs with intense heat and humidity, it can be irritating. Just a note on window screens fly screens. You can get pest control to deal with most bug issues, but if you really freak out about bugs, mosquitoes and FLYING roaches, this is your warning, lol. Raleigh is very green and has a lot of trees, which we think is awesome, but it is green for a reason because we do get our fair share of rain!

July is typically the wettest month with up to 4. Click here for the average precipitation per month. If you prefer consistent dry weather like in the desert regions, keep this in mind.

Obviously it would depend on where you are in the city. They range between 24 to 40 inches long and have triangular heads. They are usually light brown or tan in color and have dark irregular bands patterned along its body. And they mostly prefer woody areas and tall grass for cover.

You can also find them in garden areas or along the exterior walls of a home. Check areas of your yard where there is a lot of wood, mulch, and leaf litter. Copperheads are usually out and about during the day in the spring and fall , but during the summer they become nocturnal, so keep your wits about yourself on trails and in your backyard. During the winter, it hibernates. What can you do? Learn more here. Whilst we do love to visit big tourist cities, we then like coming home to Raleigh.

Here are the top 25 attractions in Raleigh. In our opinion, Raleigh still has that small town vibe, with most big city options and has a nice balance. Another complaint we hear from out of state people is that things move too slow here, like customer service for example. However, if you prefer hustle and bustle and things happening quickly, like yesterday, you might get frustrated.

The real estate market has been on steroids here for quite some time with low inventory, high demand and historically low interest rates. The pandemic has obviously changed the landscape some, more people now realize they have the ability to work from home and are not tied to a location job wise , so are moving to more affordable and liveable cities, like Raleigh, for the increased lifestyle.

If you want to listen to our home buying experience in Raleigh, listen to this podcast. According to Redfin , in December , Raleigh home prices were up According to Zillow , Raleigh is projected to be the 3rd hottest market for Say what? Honestly, we love the close connection we have to nature here, and I think people came to appreciate that more during the pandemic.

I know my answer! We do have the world famous Durham Bulls Baseball team just minutes up the road in Durham which is a great night out — minor league baseball rocks! I think you can find your teams tribe here easily enough. I think people tend to complain about traffic no matter where they live, and it is always perspective.

Besides having a beach, the other thing Raleigh could do better is improve the public transportation system.


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