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Texas weather in october
There are highs of 26°C during the day, but this drops to 12°C after dark. In Houston, which is close to the Gulf of Mexico, there’s an average temperature of. 85, 65, Corpus Christi, 29, 19 ; 82, 69, Galveston, 28,
Texas weather in october
There are highs of 26°C during the day, but this drops to 12°C after dark. In Houston, which is close to the Gulf of Mexico, there’s an average temperature of. 85, 65, Corpus Christi, 29, 19 ; 82, 69, Galveston, 28,
Texas weather in october
There are highs of 26°C during the day, but this drops to 12°C after dark. In Houston, which is close to the Gulf of Mexico, there’s an average temperature of. 85, 65, Corpus Christi, 29, 19 ; 82, 69, Galveston, 28,
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