Prepper Series #1 – Finances and Struggle Food During The Pandemic

This is not Real Estate Investing Related, Its about the current pandemic and preparing.

Please just delete if the idea of prepping and how to do it easily is not what you would like to see.

I don’t want to scare people who are already scared – be calm, you’ll get tips on how to handle this virus.

It’s sort of long, so if its not your thing, delete and wait for the next email šŸ™‚

This pandemic is really going to make clear –Ā Are you a leader?

A leader does something, even if its immensely unpopular, because they feel that’s the right way to protect the people who follow them.

I’m a leader. And honestly, so are you. I attract people just like me –

Assertive. Goal oriented. Big Thinking. Visionary. Ready to do whatever it takes to manifest their lives.


During this pandemic, our leadership can be the reason are tenants are stressed, or feel like their landlord is working with them.

However, when it comes to preparing for this pandemic itself, it means taking a few leaps that other people aren’t willing to take.


I’ve been about 4-6 weeks ahead of everyone I know aobut this, so I wanted to give out a prepared model of how I have been handling this pandemic.

And it’s been smooth.

And I want to go into detail why.

You already sort of know – since the 2009 pandemic, I’ve focused HEAVILY on passive income, and income that gives financial freedom in case there isn’t any job loss.

So, I am what you call a prepper. Low key, but in my heart I always knew the way we were living isn’t right, and the chickens would come home to roost.
Many country people are already preppers, as they have HAD to rely on food stores in case harvests went wrong and job loss.

Im just modern day with it. But i’ve been about 4-6 weeks ahead and this coronavirus both investing and in my personal life, and this is how –


1.) Whew chile – please call EVERY SINGLE CREDIT CARD you own, and every utitily, and even call your landlord if you rent – and ask for a forebearance, abatement, etc due to COVID. Especially if some of you are on unemployment. When I called EVERY SINGLE CARD gave me 1-3 months forebearance with no payment due, with others saying come back each month. Even if you CAN pay, do this – you can always pay the full amount, but we may need this cushion.

2.) Diversified (passive) income – online coaching, book sales, rental properties – We all can focus on building online income (preferably passive). Do you have the book idea, app idea, or website or blog idea? Now is a time to think about it seriously. This has been my mantra for years, and it’s paying off. If you can, let’s start that brainstorming, journaling activities to get it out of your head and onto canvas.


1.) Watch old Key and Peele episodes if you’re watching Coronavirus news all day. It’s important, and we need to be aware – but we can’t let THAT much negativity in our lives, 24/7. SNL is great, and old episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm have been my Go To TV pics lol. And, listening and honoring Bill Withers is always a good time.


Rumblings of supply chain issues.Ā See this report here released from yahoo.Ā And I know it’s been hard for some of you guys to even get some. But if you can, make sure you go ahead and:

1.) If you can in theĀ NEXT WEEK, even if you have to go a few stores, take what you can ($50 – $300 – what you CAN DO) and get shelf stable foods (freezers fill up quickly).My favorites – canned potatotes, carrots, mixed veggies, cream of mushroom/chicken/potatoe, honey, cannellini, great northern beans – All great for soups, casseroles, “struggle foods” and you can put a $3.50 package of bratwurst/italian sausage links in there and feed the whole family for a couple of days. Beans and Rice are hard to come by right now, but grab some if you can.

2.) Start a small food garden. Be it containers, be it outdoors, balcony, etc – if you can, the weather is perfect, and its time to start. Right now, you might not think its needed, but what in month from now they can’t fill the supermarkets? Our community is ALWAYS behind – and we need to stop that cycle NOW.

3.) Join a CSA – Community Shared Agriculture – this is when you pay a local farm up front for them to deliver their harvest to you. You want it small, so if someone gets sick, they can fill the spot and still produce. They may suffer shortages of workers, but they aren’t massive so can be more flexible. These can cost $450 per summer, BUT, if you split the costs – maybe a few family members or in an apartment complex, they give you MORE than enough. They give you so much you can can, preserve pickle the rest and have enough through winter. And if these food shortages happen, trust and believe they will be getting a lot of calls from people, and you want to be first. You may be helping people later with what you set up today. And when i go to a farm because there isnt enough food in the markets, i want them to know me as someone who invested in their farm, and know my name. I am splitting the costs personally with my ex-husband – I mean, it’s worth it. And finances don’t play, neither does a global food shortage.

4.) I have incorporated the fasting lifestyle, and JUST finished a 3 day fast. Only do this with dr’s permission if you are not in the best of shape, pregnant, or diabetic. However, for the rest of us, that it has numerous self healing and spiritual benefits – I spent the extra 2 hrs i would spend on food in meditation and prayer, because the time freed up. I save a ton of money, and because it has done so much health wise (lost weight, resets hunger cues back to perfection, skin issues cleared up), I can mentally prepare myself and have practice with a healing modality practiced by every spiritual leader. Mentally, I can approach the idea of a “shortage” with something that can be easily taken in stride, mentally. It seems small, but when you fast you learn that food isnt everything, good quality water is everything. Now, I also take electrolytes, magnesium, and potassium drops – you can research it – but i found its a an excellent mental and physical skill set that helps me focus on my spirituality and healing, in addition to removing the fear of “not eating” – Not everyone is at this place, of course, so if it’s not your thing just ignore.

This email isnt about FEAR. It’s about active and practical steps. It’s to open your eyes to creative solutions some of you may or may not have thought of.

Im an investor, and a normal person just like you going through this, and I want to STAY ahead of it.

But I’m also a leader. I lead my family, actually – and they are following my lead when it comes to this pandemic. And we are OK.

Decide how you will lead the people you love, and what you’re willing to do in order to make sure you can handle this pandemic with ease…or stress.

Remember, If you do not have the means, do the little you can (we arent about shaming anyone for having less money than the next person, as we have all been there). Call on others to join with you if you need to raise money. We aren’t all in the same position financially, but we always get through when we pull our resources and work together. It’s something many of us are already doing to get buy. Friends, family, apartment complex. We truly can tap into community.

We are more than just real estate investors.

We are leaders.

So lead with courage and conviction,


If you liked or did not like this, go ahead and reply to this email. If a lot of you DISLIKE THIS, I won’t send anymore. If enough of you do, periodically as I see things coming up over the horizon, like food shortages, that people outside the prepper community aren’t aware of.

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