Tag: low income


0035 Deadbeats and Hardworkers: You’ll Find Them In Every Low Income Neighborhood

Throughout every low income neighborhood you encounter, you’re going to realize a few truths about the people that live there. You will always have neighbors that are working very hard in life (2 or 3 jobs even) to make money and take care of themselves. And there are ALWAYS people who are deadbeats, not working, not contributing anything to society

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0033 Things You Get Used To, That You Never Thought You Would

In the last 4 years of doing real estate investing in lower income neighborhoods, there is an acceptance of things I once thought were unacceptable. However, you start to get used to some things that used to scare you in your thoughts, but with familiarity, doesnt scare you anymore. Of course I always encourage everyone to be cautious and careful

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