Top 10 Places to Raise a Family in Tennessee – Best Places to Live in Tennessee for Families

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If you’re looking to live in Nashville proper, Green Hills may be the right neighborhood for you! Whether you’re looking to move to Tennesseeor simply relocate /7197.txt the state, this list is for you!

Best places to live in tennessee to raise a family


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Continue with Facebook or Google. Email Address. Password Show. Forgot password? We use your data to offer you a personalised experience. Find out more. Leena Kollar. Market, School. Copy link. South of Nashville is a charming little town called Nolensville. The town continues to experience growth in the housing market and has recently opened two new schools. Nolensville best places to live in tennessee to raise a family home to several family-owned antique stores and boutiques and has nearby banks, restaurants, and grocery stores.

While the town itself is mostly quiet, the sense of community is what gives Best places to live in tennessee to raise a family its appeal. Known for its rolling hills, the suburb of Brentwood is one of the wealthiest cities in America relative to the average cost of living. The estimated population is close to 42, With its sprawling land and large homes, Brentwood is a smart choice for large or growing families.

Located in East Tennessee on the Tennessee River, Chattanooga is the fourth-largest city in the state. Нажмите чтобы узнать больше population is over , and the city is gamily transit hub with multiple railroads and interstates. Chattanooga is a very active city full of outdoor enthusiasts. Swimming Pool. Rutherford County is home to the city of Smyrna. As it continues to grow, the population is currently between 45, and 50, people.

Schools in Smyrna are part of the Rutherford County Schoolswhich includes elementary, middle, and high schools. Smyrna has 10 parks, seven miles School, University. The third-largest city in Tennessee, Knoxville is home to shopping centers and over 2, retail establishments. Knoxville is where you can explore the Great Smoky Mountains and many other outdoor attractions.

Knox County Schools is the public school system in Knoxville, which oversees 89 schools total. There are also more than 50 private and parochial ebst. Located about 21 miles Almost 70, people call the city home, which has a downtown area full of rustic charm and Southern hospitality. The city hosts many seasonal festivals, including the popular Dickens of a Christmaswhich takes places in early December; посмотреть больше numerous health-care related businesses, including Community Health Systems and Healthways; and is tennesswe home to Magazines.

It also has 12 schools within the school district of Murfreesboro City Schools, which focuses on pre-K through sixth-grade learning. Murfreesboro has family-friendly attractions like the Discovery Center at Murfree Spring and Stones River National Battlefield, as well as The Avenue Murfreesborowhich is an outdoor shopping center with stores and restaurants.

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Best Places To Raise A Family In Tennessee []: Based on Schools, Crime, and Quality of Life.Top 10 List Of Best Places To Raise A Family In Tennessee | felix

Best Places to Raise a Family in Tennessee · Brentwood · Brentwood · Nolensville · Nolensville · Farragut · Farragut · Lausanne Collegiate. #3 – Mount Juliet. Top 10 Places to Raise a Family in Tennessee · Maryville · 9. Bartlett · 8. Murfreesboro · 6. Signal Mountain · 5. Nolensville · 4. Brentwood · 3.


Best places to live in tennessee to raise a family.2022 Top 10 List Of Best Places To Raise A Family In Tennessee

The location is beautiful and convenient, the school system is excellent, and the town attracts a lot of educated young professionals with families. Incidentally, Tennessee has great places for every type of family on every type of budget. Seymour is a gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains. Cookies Policy We and our partners use cookies to better understand your needs, improve performance and provide you with personalised content and advertisements. There are plenty of restaurants, entertainment, parks, and cafes sprinkled throughout. There are many outdoor activities, from the Great Smoky Mountains to rivers and wide-open spaces.

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