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What is the population of trenton new jersey – what is the population of trenton new jersey
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What is the population of trenton new jersey – what is the population of trenton new jersey –
8 rows · Trenton: New Jersey: National: Population: 84, 8,, ,, . Sep 12, · Only % of the population in Trenton are naturalized US citizens. Veterans make up % of Trenton’s population, of which 93% are males, and 7% are females. As per . The current population of Trenton, New Jersey is 92, based on our projections of the latest US Census last official US Census in recorded the population at 90, .
What is the population of trenton new jersey – what is the population of trenton new jersey.Trenton, NJ Demographics
With a population of 92,it is the 6th largest city in New Jersey and the th largest city in the United States. Trenton is currently growing at what is the population of trenton new jersey – what is the population of trenton new jersey rate of 0. Spanning over 8 miles, Trenton has a population density of 12, people per square больше информации. The median age in Trenton is 34 years, Вот ссылка is a city located in the state of New Jersey.
It is located in Mercer County, where it is also the county seat. Trenton is also the capital of New Jersey, and for a short period was the capital of the United States. However, recent estimates show that this number has declined slightly, dropping the population to 84, It is the 10th most populous city in New Jersey.
Trenton has a total area of over 8 square miles, and it has a population density of 11, In its earliest years, Trenton saw its population grow at a steady rate. However, during the 20th century, this population began to slow. The population peaked atat the time of the census. However, after this, the population has only continued to drop at each year census. High crime rates are a contributing factor to the нажмите чтобы увидеть больше in population, although the numbers have gotten источник in more recent years.
The non-English language spoken by the largest group is Spanish, which is spoken by The race most likely to be in poverty in Trenton is Multiple, with The poverty rate among those that worked full-time for the past читать далее months was 4.
Источник those working part-time, it was The age group where males are most likely to be married iswhile the female age group most likely to be married is Non citizens include legal permanent residents green card holdersinternational students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants. Of those not born in /6334.txt United States, the largest percentage are from Latin America. World Population Review.
Trenton, What is the population of trenton new jersey – what is the population of trenton new jersey Jersey Population 92, Trenton Population Growth In its earliest years, Trenton saw its population grow at a steady rate. Burlington County. The last official US Census in recorded the population at 90, Trenton, New Jersey Population Trenton Metro Area Population by Year. Trenton Population Pyramid Loading Trenton Median Age 35 Total. Trenton Age Dependency. Trenton Households and Families.
Trenton Educational Attainment by Sex over The highest rate of high school graduation is among white people with a rate of The highest rate of bachelors degrees is among asian people with a rate of Trenton Educational Attainment by Race. Trenton Earnings by Educational Продолжение здесь. Trenton Language Trenton Poverty by Race Loading Trenton Poverty Rate by Education. Trenton Income by Household Type Loading Trenton Marital Status. Marriage Rates Trenton Married by Age and Sex Loading Trenton Marriage The age group where males are most likely to be married iswhile the female age group most likely to be married is Trenton Marital Status by Race.
Percentage Counts. Trenton Veterans by Education Loading Trenton Veterans by Education. Trenton Employment by Education. Origin of Non-Citizens Loading Origin of Naturalized Citizens Loading Note: and data is projected.
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