What states have saltwater crocodiles

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Saltwater crocodiles were once present throughout coastal Bangladesh but have since been extirpated from almost all of their former range. The species was found as far as the Chakaria Sundarbans north of Cox’s Bazar until the s Akonda n.

Brunei is a very small sovereign state nestled tightly between the Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah in northern Borneo. Surveys conducted by Jack Cox Cox revealed a widespread but very low density saltwater crocodile presence throughout the waterways of Brunei Bay.

Information obtained during the surveys suggested that illegal hunting pressure may be having a significant impact on the region’s crocodile population. Surveys have not been conducted throughout the remainder of Brunei, but in recent years attacks on humans have occurred within the Belait River, Tukong River, Damuan River, and other areas. These attack locations suggest a widespread presence, but no other information is available.

Historical reports from the region suggest that human-crocodile conflict was once quite frequent and that the species may have been responsible for more human deaths than tigers.

While the species was eliminated from Tonle Sap Lake at some point within the past 50 years Platt , it is possible that a small number of saltwater crocodiles remain within coastal Koh Kong province in the country’s southwest. Wildlife officials have spotted large crocodiles in brackish water areas within Koh Kong, but whether these are saltwater crocodiles or Siamese crocodiles Crocodylus siamensis is yet to be determined Jenny Daltry pers.

A large, man-eating crocodile presumably the saltwater crocodile was historically present throughout coastal southern China from the Vietnamese border all the way up to the lower Minjiang River at present day Fuzhou in Fujian province on the mainland coast and the Penghu Islands of Taiwan although there are no known records from Taiwan itself.

Records for the saltwater crocodile in China come primarily from the Han Dynasty BC – AD through to Song Dynasty AD – AD ; during this time period large crocodiles presumably saltwater crocodiles apparently preyed on both humans and livestock within the region. The saltwater crocodile population is believed to have become severely depleted following Song Dynasty.

The most recent records of the species within the country come from Guangxi province during the 19th Century and a skeleton found in Hong Kong in It appears likely that the species was eliminated from all of China well over a century ago and from most of its Chinese habitat many centuries ago.

It is believed that a sharp increase in the human population of the region approximately years ago, followed by widespread habitat destruction, is to blame for the disappearance of the species Fu Saltwater crocodiles were historically present throughout coastal eastern India and even along the west coast as far north as Kochi in Kerala state.

The species disappeared from the majority of these locations by the s with the last record of resident saltwater crocodiles south of Orissa state coming from Tamil Nadu state in within habitat that has since been eliminated.

Today the species is only found within two mainland locations Bhitarkanika National Park in Orissa, and the Sundarbans in West Bengal and one island territory the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Given the high level of human population pressure and habitat destruction it is unlikely the species will ever be reestablished outside of these remaining areas Singh and Kar Saltwater crocodiles are widely distributed in varying densities throughout the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. On North Andaman crocodiles are known to exist within the Austin Strait including within waterways on both Anderson and Interview Island. Sightings of crocodile tracks on Landfall Island in the far north suggest that the species is also present there.

The Jarawa Tribal Reserve, which is comprised of portions of both Middle and South Andaman , is home to a large population of crocodiles. Ritchies Archipelago lies to the immediate southeast of Middle Andaman and is also home to breeding crocodile populations.

On Little Andaman , the southernmost of the Andaman Islands, crocodiles are present in almost all areas holding suitable habitat, particularly along the south and west coasts. Human-crocodile conflict within Hut Bay, along the east coast, has been analyzed in recent years Whitaker The Nicobar Islands , which lie to the south of the Andaman Islands, also hold populations of saltwater crocodiles.

On Great Nicobar the species is present in all areas holding suitable habitat excluding the human-populated region south of Campbell Bay along the east coast.

In recent years crocodile poaching has become an issue on Great Nicobar Manish Chandi pers. Within the Orissa state of eastern India saltwater crocodiles persist only within Bhitarkanika National Park and adjacent waterways within Kendrapara District Nikhil Whitaker pers.

A crocodile census of the national park yielded sightings of 1, individuals Zee News India making the population easily the largest within India.

Human-crocodile conflict has become an issue in recent years with dozens of human fatalities reported within the past decade. Saltwater crocodiles persist in small numbers only within the Sundarbans portion of West Bengal.

Population size estimates are not available, but surveys are being planned for the future. It is believed that the population is very small despite the large amount of available habitat Rom Whitaker pers. The island of Sumatra contains resident saltwater crocodile populations, particularly within the extensive lowland waterways along the eastern coast, but the status of these populations is unknown.

Within Lampung province the species has been observed within Way Kambas National during Tomistoma surveys Bezuijen et al. In Riau province saltwater crocodiles of all sizes have also been documented in waterways east of Tebbing Tinggi Island on Rangsang Island in recent years Shawn Heflick pers.

In North Sumatra province attacks have recently been reported from the Kualuh River of Labuhan Batu Regency and from the western coast in Central Tapanuli Regency, but much of the habitat along the eastern coast of North Sumatra north of Labuhan Batu Regency has been eliminated and is heavily populated particularly around the cities of Medan and Tebing Tinggi. In West Sumatra province information is limited to recent instances of human-crocodile conflict within the Kinali River, the Silaut River and the Masang River, while populations are also known from the Mentawi Islands, such as Siberut Global Green In the southeastern province of Bengkulu an attack was recently reported from Muko-Muko Regency and large crocodiles have recently been sighted within the Bangkahulu River Estuary near Bengkulu city Ahmad In addition, the isolated Bengkulu province island of Enggano is reported to contain a substantial population including very large individuals Enggano Conservation , but this has yet to be confirmed by surveys.

Kalimantan , which forms the Indonesian portion of the island of Borneo, consists of four provinces. Human-crocodile conflict within East Kalimantan province suggests that the species is widespread throughout the province, with attacks being reported from many coastal rivers including the Sangatta River and other areas within East Kutai Regency, the Santan River near Bontang and around Bontang City itself, the Sesumpu River near Balikpapan, and within Nunukan Regency near the border with Sabah, Malaysia.

It is possible that healthy saltwater crocodile populations exist within undisturbed sections of the massive Mahakam River Delta east of Samarinda and large crocodiles have been observed as far up the Mahakam drainage as the Belayan River Rob Stuebing pers. Little information is available from South Kalimantan province, but while it has been suggested that the other local crocodilian species T.

The species is also reported to be present within Pleihari Tanah Laut Wildlife Reserve at the southern tip of the province Indonesia Traveling , but detailed surveys are unavailable. In Central Kalimantan province attacks by the species have been reported from the Mentaya River south of Sampit and the species has been confirmed from Tanjung Puting National Park the Sekonyer River during surveys.

Within Tanjung Puting the species can occur far upstream within the Sekonyer Kanan River during periods of high water and instances of predation on both humans and T. Within West Kalimantan province saltwater crocodiles have been confirmed approximately km up the Kapuas River at Putussibau Rob Stuebing pers. It is unknown if the generally low number of crocodiles sighted in surveys of Borneo and Sumatra is the result of low numbers of crocodiles being present or flawed survey methods Bezuijen et al.

While no official information exists regarding the presence of saltwater crocodiles within the province, frequent human-crocodile conflict within the region suggests that resident populations remain.

In addition to attacks on humans, the retaliatory killing of large crocodiles has also become an issue recently Bangka Pos and could threaten the existence of the species within the province. The species has been extirpated from virtually all of Java with the exception of Ujung Kulon National Park in Banten Province at the western extreme of the island. The status of the species in Ujung Kulon is unknown, but crocodiles have been spotted on Panaitan Island Auliya and a fatal attack on a fisherman occurred at Handeuleum Island in April of The species has also been reported from the Kangean Islands off the eastern coast of Madura Island in East Java Province by various unofficial sources in recent years, including vague reports of fatal attacks on humans within the island chain Lueras and Lueras Despite a lack of information, it appears as though the saltwater crocodile has been absent from Bali for quite some time and likely extirpated from most of West Nusa Tenggara.

The species is extinct on Lombok Island due to a long history of intense hunting pressure and near total habitat destruction to make way for rice cultivation Klock The status of the species on Sumbawa Island is unclear; within recent years crocodiles were present and attacked people along the southern coast within Dompu Regency Amala River in Woja , but it is unknown if any resident populations remain.

The saltwater crocodile is present within some portions of East Nusa Tenggara and extinct within others, with perhaps the largest populations likely being present within the Indonesian western half of Timor Island.

The species appears to be present throughout coastal distributions in West Timor and many attacks on humans have occurred within recent years, although not reported to be at the same frequency as neighboring Timor-Leste. Attacks have recent been reported from a number of locations, both along the coast at sea, as well as within coastal waterways.

The species has also been recently reported from limited portions of East Nusa Tenggara outside of Timor. Immediately southwest of Timor lies the small Rote Island , and the species has been confirmed to be present there Endarwin et al. On Sumba Island recent Indonesian news reports have stated that crocodiles were a danger for children crossing the Maulumbi River in order to attend school and that one child had even been killed by a crocodile Waingapu a , although no details is provided regarding the alleged attack.

In addition, crocodiles are reported to have been captured from fields in Pahung Lodu district Waingapu b. The two fatalities occurred within Wailolon Estuary of Omesuri district and the non-fatal attack occurred within the ocean at Waijarang along the western coast of the island. Information from the ‘s confirmed that the species had been eliminated from Komodo Island due to hunting and likely extirpated from Flores Island for the same reason. Apparently a person was killed by a crocodile near Reo along the northern coast of Flores in , but surveys in yielded no sightings Auffenberg ; despite occasional reports of sightings of crocodiles along the Flores coast in recent years, the current status of the species on the island is unknown.

Detailed crocodilian surveys have yet to be undertaken throughout the island of Sulawesi and, despite reports to the contrary, the only species currently confirmed to be on the island is the saltwater crocodile. Within North Sulawesi province saltwater crocodiles have recently been confirmed from inland portions of the Dumoga River within Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, within habitat near Kombot village along the southern coast of the Minahassa Peninsula and possibly elsewhere.

The species is also known from the province’s Sangihe Talud Islands which lie to the northeast towards the Philippine island of Mindanao. No official information is available regarding the presence of the species within West Sulawesi province, but recent fatal attacks on humans within the Ampallas River of Mamuju Regency and the Baloli River of North Mamuju Regency suggest a presence of some kind within the province.

In South Sulawesi province the species was historically present within Lake Tempe but is currently present within the Ancona, Malili and Cerekan Rivers along the Gulf of Boni Platt and Lee , while a fatal attack recently occurred within the Malangke region.

Within Southeast Sulawesi province the species has been reported from Tanjung Peropa to the southeast of Kendari Silvius n. The species has also been confirmed by herpetofauna surveys from Buton Island Gillespie et al.

Very little official information is available regarding the status of the saltwater crocodile within the Maluku Islands and no recent surveys have been conducted. Little is known regarding the current status and distribution of the species within the Riau Islands province. A recent non-fatal attack and capture occurred on Lingga Island Haluan Kepri and the species has been reported from Bintan Island Ramdhani , suggesting a presence of some kind within the region.

During the ‘s it was believed the species had been eliminated from all of the Tudjuh Archipelago except possibly on the isolated Subi Island FAO , but the current status of the species in this area is unknown. The largest saltwater crocodile populations within Indonesia exist within the western portion of the island of New Guinea known as Papua ; this area consists of two provinces: West Papua and Papua.

Mainland West Papua populations can be found in a number of areas including the extensive mangroves of Bintuni Bay, Teluk Cendrawasih Silvius n. Within Papua province the largest population is known from the massive Mamberamo River in the north and populations are also known from the inland Tariku formerly Rouffaer and Taritatu formerly Idenburg Rivers which eventually enter the Mamberamo River at their confluence.

The state of Sarawak is rather infamous for its man-eating saltwater crocodiles of particularly note is a large man-eater dubbed “Bujang Senang” which was killed in after reportedly killing 13 people Webb et al. Despite this high level of human-crocodile conflict, the population densities of crocodiles within the state are largely unknown.

Distribution information is thus restricted largely to recent attack data, of which there have been instances in numerous river state-wide in recent years. Immediately north of Kuching attacks have recently been reported from the Bako River and the Santubong River, while east of Kuching numerous attacks have recently been reported from the larger rivers including the Samarahan, Batang Lupar, Saribas, and Seblak.

Further to the northeast approaching the Brunei border attacks have recently been reported from Niah National Park and within the Baram River near Miri. The species has recovered significantly within the state of Sabah since protection was implemented in and is considered to be particularly common within the massive Kinabatangan River Webb et al.

The species appears to be present throughout coastal Sabah in varying densities. Within Peninsular Malaysia the saltwater crocodile is not common but can still be found within certain locations Webb et al. Historically the species appears to have been widespread and attacks on humans were very frequent along the coast during the first half of the 20th Century.

Recent surveys are available for only one waterway within the region- the Linggi-Rembau River south of Port Dickson on the western coast along the border between Negeri Sembilan and Melaka states; the survey confirmed that a breeding population existed within the river system Nazli et al. Information for the rest of Peninsular Malaysia is limited largely to news reports of crocodiles being sighted or captured in various locations.

In recent years there have been instances of crocodiles being found in or around Port Dickson itself, including a large dead crocodile washing up on Ixora Permai Beach The Star Online a and a crocodile being spotted within the Tanjung Tuan area The Star Online Crocodiles have also recently been captured within the mangroves of Sepetang in Perak state just to the west of Taiping MySinchew and are even sighted within the Klang River of Kuala Lumpur in Selangor state on occasion The Star Online Along the eastern coast crocodiles have recently been reported or captured within the Kuantan River The Star Online b while non-fatal attacks on humans have recent occurred within the Kelantan River of Kelantan state near the border with Thailand and within Teglu Kecil River of Mersing in Johor state.

It has also been suggested that the species is breeding within the Nipah swamps of the Pulai River along the Johor strait Ramsar and that the Setui-Chalok-Bari River Basin north of Terengganu may hold a significant population, but this has yet to be confirmed Webb et al. Saltwater crocodiles were historically present throughout coastal Myanmar but resident populations have since been eliminated from most areas. Within the Rakhine state in the country’s northwest the species was once found within waterways around what is now Sittwe, the mangrove swamps east of Ramree Island and other areas.

Today resident populations have disappeared from Rakhine, although a few scattered individuals may remain near Ramree.

The species has also been extirpated from Yangon state, the Bago Region, Mon state and almost all of the Ayeyarwady Delta. The vast majority of crocodiles remaining within the Ayeyarwady Delta are found in Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Reserve in the southeast, although individual crocodiles are occasionally found elsewhere.

Evidence suggests that a breeding population of saltwater crocodiles may persist within coastal Taninatharyi state including the Myeik Archipelago and the Lenya River. However, since the state is not under government control biologists have been prevented from conducting surveys to confirm the presence of resident crocodile populations Platt et al. In May of a man was reported to have been killed by a large crocodile somewhere within the Myeik Archipelago, providing further evidence of a continued crocodile presence within the area.

The saltwater crocodile is widely distributed throughout the lowland waterways of Papua New Guinea including both coastal and inland locations. Along the northern coast important locations include the Sepik and Ramu Rivers, along with adjacent wetlands and lakes Osborne n.

The species is present very far inland within portions of the country, including the Wasui and Wagu Lagoons Hollands and much further upstream along the Sepik River, as well as Lake Murray within Middle Fly District Hall and Johnson Palau is home to resident saltwater crocodile populations with somewhere between and saltwater crocodiles estimated to currently be present within Palauan waters Brazaitis et al.

The historic population size of saltwater crocodiles within Palau is unknown, although it is believed to have been much larger prior to intense hunting pressure during the ‘s triggered by two attacks on humans one of them fatal Crombie and Pregill Although the saltwater crocodile population within Palau is believed to be stable, the species is given no legal protection within the country and is viewed negatively by the locals Webb et al.

The saltwater crocodile has been extirpated from much of its former range within the Philippines and currently populations remain in only a few scattered locations.

On the island of Mindanao the species is present within the Ligawasan Marsh and adjacent waterways in the southwest of the island Pomares et al. On Luzon Island the species has been reported from three areas in the northeast: the Blos River of barangay Reina Mercedes, the Divilacan mangroves of barangay Dimasalansan and the Palanan River estuary of barangay Culasi Van der Ploeg et al.

On the island of Palawan the species appears to only remain within the southern portion of the country and in recent years attacks on humans have occurred within the Rio Tuba area near Bataraza on the southeast coast and from near Rizal on the southeastern coast. The species is also reported to be present within the islands of the Balabac Strait between the island of Palawan and the Malaysian Borneo state of Sabah Conservation International The status of the species within Naujan Lake on the island of Mindoro is unclear; crocodile eye-shines have been spotted in recent years and these are believed to belong to the saltwater crocodile, but it is unknown if a viable population remains Banks Until relatively recently it was unknown exactly which crocodile species was historically present within the Seychelles.

It was originally thought that the Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus was the species present, but examination of skeletal remains has revealed that it was actually the saltwater crocodile which was once present throughout the Seychelles.

Situated in the western Indian Ocean and closer to Africa than Asia, the presence of the species within the Seychelles is a testament to the saltwater crocodile’s sea-faring ability. Explorers during the 17th, 18th and early 19th Centuries reported of abundant crocodiles within the region. Unfortunately, the species is believed to have been extirpated from the islands by Today only the skeletal evidence and place names, such as the Roche Caiman district of Mahe Island, are reminders of the saltwater crocodile population that once existed within the Seychelles Gerlach The saltwater crocodile was once present throughout available habitat in Singapore and its neighboring islands attacks were reported from Tekong Island during the first half of the 20th Century , but has long since been considered extirpated from the island-state barring the occasional itinerant.

In recent years crocodile sightings have increased substantially and a small resident population appears to be present within one area. Crocodiles of varying size are frequently reported from the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in northwestern Singapore, suggesting that a small population is present there Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve n.

While it is unlikely crocodile numbers within Singapore will ever increase substantially due to a lack of habitat , for the time being it appears as though the species has repopulated a small portion of the island. During the late s the saltwater crocodile population within the Solomon Islands was reportedly low due to decades of uncontrolled hunting and habitat destruction and, at the time, the only viable populations were known from Lauvi Lagoon on Guadalcanal, Lake Tatae in the Russell Islands and Ghahirahobo Lagoon on Santa Isabel.

However, in the hunting of crocodiles was banned within the country and in guns were banned, leading to substantial increases in the region’s crocodile population Webb et al. Although no detailed surveys have been conducted since the late s, the species now appears to be widespread, although habitat restricted, throughout most of the country. Most recent information comes in the form of crocodile attack reports, which have occurred in many portions of the country.

In a Swiss sailor was killed by a crocodile within Basilisk Bay of Utupua Island of the eastern most Santa Cruz Islands and infomation suggests that populations are also present within the Nendo Island wetlands Leary n. Saltwater crocodiles are currently restricted to the southwestern and eastern coasts of Sri Lanka, although the species was more widespread in the past.

The majority of remaining saltwater crocodiles are found in the southwest in areas such as the Muthurajawela Wetlands near Negombo, the Nilwala River of Matara District, the Bentota River of Galle District, and other areas.

Between 50 and 60 saltwater crocodiles are thought to inhabit the Nilwala River de Silva but the species is approaching extirpation from the Bentota River Gramentz Along the southeastern coast the species is known to exist in small numbers within the waterways around Panama and Pottuvil Rom Whitaker pers.

Saltwater crocodiles have also been responsible for a number of attacks on humans within lagoons near Batticaloa and in the Verugal River to the north along the eastern coast, although it is unknown if a breeding population exists within this area. Individual saltwater crocodiles are occasionally found elsewhere; these include wandering itinerants and released “nuisance” crocodiles.

In both Yala and Bundala National Parks on the southern coast a small number of “nuisance” crocodiles have been released over the years. Saltwater crocodiles have even been released into landlocked reservoirs “tanks” in the past, habitat usually occupied entirely by mugger crocodile Crocodylus palustris Rom Whitaker pers. Human-crocodile conflict is a serious issue in Sri Lanka, particularly along the Nilwala River where “croc-safe” enclosures have been constructed in an effort to reduce the amount of attacks on people conducting activities at the water’s edge de Silva Saltwater crocodiles were historically present throughout coastal Thailand including around the Bay of Bangkok and along both the east and west coasts of the Malay Peninsula.

Around the Bay of Bangkok the species was once present within the Bangkok area, the Petchaburi River and other areas. A few saltwater crocodiles were found in Phuket Island during the early s, but these are believed to have been itinerants from a neighboring range state Myanmar, Malaysia or Indonesia and most of Phuket’s crocodile habitat has been destroyed Ratanakorn et al.

The only portion of Thailand which may still hold resident saltwater crocodiles is the Ranong River within Ranong province along the border with Myanmar. Crocodiles are occasionally sighted in the river and there are even reports of successful breeding, but these have yet to be confirmed Webb et al.

Given that it is likely the species persists within the neighboring Tanintharyi state of Myanmar it certainly seems possible that a resident population may remain within the Ranong River region. Saltwater crocodiles are a vital part of Timorese culture they are the country’s national animal and the local belief states that the island of Timor itself is composed of the body of a dead crocodile UNMIT-JMAC Despite being revered locally, very little is known regarding the current status of the species in Timor-Leste.

Crocodile attacks on humans are much more common than media reports would suggest and, with many attacks occurring in coastal waters, it appears as though there is significant crocodile movement along the country’s coastline. Although no detailed crocodile surveys have been carried out on Timor-Leste, opportunistic observations have occurred during past herpetological surveys Kaiser et al.

Lake Ira Lalaro, a massive inland lake located within Lautem District, is reportedly home to approximately saltwater crocodiles Mark O’Shea pers. Along the dry northern coast crocodiles have been sighted within the Malailada River near Lautem Kaiser et al. Saltwater crocodile populations along the much wetter southern coast are larger than those along the northern coast and known locations include the Betano Swamp of coastal Manufahi District.

The species appears to be naturally absent from the Timorese island of Atauro excluding the occasional itinerant due to a lack of suitable habitat Mark O’Shea pers. Detailed surveys are needed in order to identify important locations and actual population status. The exact origin of the saltwater crocodile within Vanuatu is disputed.

The locals believe that Anglican Bishop John Coleridge Patteson introduced the species to the island of Vanua Lava at some point between and However, given the sea-faring ability of the saltwater crocodile and Vanuatu’s close proximity to the Solomon Islands, it appears more likely that the species colonized the islands naturally.

Breeding populations have only been known from Vanua Lava island particularly the Port Patteson area and are believed to have been relatively common within the rivers of Vanua Lava prior to Cyclone Wendy in Following Cyclone Wendy the local crocodile population was drastically reduced and a survey revealed that breeding was no longer occurring on the island.

In addition, crocodiles are generally reviled by the local community and following the survey in it was suggested that no conservation efforts be made to preserve the saltwater crocodile population on Vanua Lava Chambers ; the current status of saltwater crocodiles on Vanua Lava is unknown.

Saltwater crocodiles were once present throughout the lowland waterways of southern Vietnam, particularly within the Mekong Delta region, but today it appears likely that the species has been extirpated from the country. The species was historically present throughout the Mekong Delta, as well as within the Ca Mau and Kien Giang provinces to the south.

In addition, saltwater crocodiles were also known to exist within the Con Dao archipelago to the southeast of the mainland and on Phu Quoc Island near the Cambodian border Stuart et al. It is unknown if resident populations of the species were ever present within Vietnam north of the Mekong Delta region. The Can Gio Biosphere mangrove region formerly known as Rung Sat Swamp near Ho Chi Min City were heavily decimated by American herbicides during the Vietnam War, although during a late s a large crocodile was sighted along the shore in a defoliated region Orlans and Pfeiffer In fact, most locals were either completely unaware of crocodiles ever being present or knew that they were present long ago, suggesting that the species had been absent from the region for some time Stuart et al.

The saltwater crocodile’s sea-faring abilities have allowed the species to occasionally wander into areas well outside of its known natural range and to even recolonize areas from which they had been extirpated.

There have been several well-documented cases of saltwater crocodiles being found in non-native locations throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Individual saltwater crocodiles have been recorded within portions of Micronesia including the Caroline Islands and Marshall Islands. In a 3. In crocodile tracks were found on Paliyaw Island and the crocodile itself seen on nearby Raur Island, before disappearing. In a small crocodile was captured off the coast of Nauru Island Webb and in a crocodile was killed at Ailinglaplap Atoll of the Marshall Islands, approximately 2, km from the nearest crocodile population Manolis Crocodiles in Florida live mostly in Everglades and Biscayne national parks.

It is extremely rare for people to see these crocodiles, much less to have any interaction with them. These are some very timid reptiles, after all. In , a 6-foot American crocodile made a rare appearance outside Florida — at South Carolina’s Isle of Palms, a common spot for vacationing. The large reptile was caught in the surf and may actually have made his way up the southeastern coast — from Florida — by swimming, plain and simple.

After being caught, the croc — an endangered species, exempt from dispatch — was sent back to Florida to live in the wild or an alligator park. Outside of the States, these large creatures carve out homes in the tropics and subtropics of the Americas. Common environments for crocodiles include mangrove swamps, creeks, lagoons on coasts, tidal estuaries, mouths of rivers, lakes, damp wetlands, bays with ample mangrove trees, coves and ponds.

These relatively meek creatures exist in saltwater and freshwater settings alike. Loss of habitat in their native range from urban development and pressure from shrimp farming are problematic for the species.


What states have saltwater crocodiles. 17 Facts On Where Do Crocodiles Live? In USA, Australia, Africa

What states have saltwater crocodiles? Found in South Florida, Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean, the American crocodile can grow to 15 feet, although they tend . What states have saltwater crocodiles? Found in South Florida, Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean, the American crocodile can grow to 15 feet, although they tend to . Male saltwater crocodiles have been recorded at lengths of 23 feet (7 m) and weights of 2, pounds (1, kg). Females are much smaller, growing to be about 10 feet (3 m) long and .


– American crocodile – Wikipedia

They can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh as much as pounds. The largest crocodiles in North America are found in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast of the United States, but they are not . Male saltwater crocodiles have been recorded at lengths of 23 feet (7 m) and weights of 2, pounds (1, kg). Females are much smaller, growing to be about 10 feet (3 m) long and . What states have saltwater crocodiles? Found in South Florida, Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean, the American crocodile can grow to 15 feet, although they tend to .


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