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– 10 Of The Most Dangerous Cities In North Carolina


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You’ll be hard pressed to find a good dose of southern hospitality in most of North Carolina’s dangerous cities: these cities are more concerned with cleaning up their neighborhoods and fighting crime. We’re not talking about choosing tomato based BBQ sauce instead of vinegar; or even worse, not being a Durham Bulls fan kind of crime, we’re talking about the type of crime that will get you on Raleigh’s WRAL at six. And lucky for you, RoadSnacks is here to tell you where the most crime is committed in the TarHeel State: we’ve created a list of the top ten most dangerous places in North Carolina for In order to compile our list, we looked at FBI data for violent crimes and property crimes in Texas cities with a population of 5, That left us with 99 cities.

We discovered that the state as a whole had violent crimes and 2, property crimes reported per capita. And while that doesn’t seem like that many for the ninth largest state in the country in populationit is above the national average; and coincidentally one of the top 25 most dangerous states in the country. Gone are the days that parents can let their children run wild until the street lights come on.

Heck, parents shouldn’t let their kids out of their sight in the most dangerous cities in North Where is the highest crime rate in north carolina. So, you must be wondering, how does one navigate these dangerous North Carolina cities when trying to make an informed decision on arkansas state engineering ranking you should call home? Do we think the problems in North Carolina’s most dangerous places are directly related to high unemployment, low wages, and lack of rehabilitation programs?

Not to mention, rent in most of North Carolina’s safest places and best places to live is out of reach for most people, making it difficult for people to make a move. This keeps the people in these places feeling angry, defeated, and more likely to commit a crime. To see how the rest of your favorite places in North Carolina faired, where is the highest crime rate in north carolina a look below; and if you don’t find your favorite there, head to the bottom.

Learn more about the safest places in North Carolina. If you’re looking for something more national, check out the most dangerous cities in America or the most dangerous states in America. Taking the 1 spot on our list of North Carolina’s most dangerous places is Wadesboro, a town of 5, about an hour southeast of Charlotte. Even without a single murder inWadesboro had the highest violent crime rate in North Carolina.

Where is the highest crime rate in north carolina mostly due where is the highest crime rate in north carolina a whole bunch of aggravated assault cases, but having the second highest rate of rape cases also doesn’t help.

While the Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge is a sanctuary for animals, humans of Wadesboro are on their own for finding safety. Welcome to Henderson, the de facto murder capital of North Carolina.

The city of 14, had 10 murders inthe highest rate statewide. All forms of violent crime unc wilmington diversity quite prevalent in Henderson, where residents had a 1 in 49 shot of being the victim of an attack over the year.

Property crime is also all too common in Henderson, so be sure nobody steals your catch after a day out fishing on Kerr Lake. Henderson is located about 40 miles northeast of Durham. Williamston motto might be “easy living with hometown values,” but there’s nothing easy about living in the place with the third highest crime rates in North Carolina. Williamston is home to a Western theme park, Deadwoodbut there’s plenty of wild west style crime going on in the town itself.

For example, what to wear in asheville nc town has the 17th highest rate of rape cases in the state and the fifth highest violent crime rate overall. The bad news doesn’t stop посетить страницу источник. Williamston also recorded the fourth highest burglary rate in the state, so be sure to keep your doors locked here. Kinston was once the center of a thriving economy centered on lumber and cotton mills.

Later, other forms of manufacturing entered the area, including pharmaceuticals. Thanks to these forces, the town boomed from the late 19th century into the middle of the 20th, with the population growing from a little more than 1, people in to nearly 25, residents in Unfortunately, it has been downhill from there.

This community in eastern North Carolina now has a population of 19, with narrowing economic prospects contributing to a rise in crime. As a result, this has become the number 4 most dangerous spot in the state.

No, this town isn’t named after the former president. Or the former presidential candidate who happened to be married to that former president. The history of this community stretches back way, new hampshire primary 2022 date before those Clintons hit the political stage.

In fact, the town itself can trace its roots to a time before the founding of the United States. Instead, this Clinton gets its name from where is the highest crime rate in north carolina American Revolution general.

That military connection still has some reverberations, given the surprising levels of violence experienced among the 8, residents of modern-day Clinton. In fact, the town has the number 8 highest pace of violent crime in North Carolina. The next stop on our list of North Carolina’s most dangerous places for takes us where is the highest crime rate in north carolina Goldsboro, a city of 34, in Wayne County.

Goldsboro is no stranger to violence — anyone can visit the Goldsborough Bridge Battlefieldsite of a Civil War battle with 15, soldiers. These days, violence is slightly less prevalent, but there were still violent crimes recorded in On top of that, Goldsboro averaged more than five property crimes each day inso you’ll want to keep your doors locked and your eyes peeled for porch pirates here.

The Laurinburg Police Department sure has their work cut out for them. Why’s that? Well, residents перейти a нажмите чтобы прочитать больше in 56 of finding themselves the victim of a violent crime детальнее на этой страницеthe third highest odds in North Carolina. On top of that, Laurinburg had the second highest burglary rate in the state, with about one happening each and every day, on average.

In fact, there were more burglaries than larcenies in Laurinburg, which is extremely rare. Dunn was once at the center of nationally discussed paddling controversy. Ina local school official punished a student with a spanking. Eventually, this spiraled into a lawsuit and an investigation by the U.

Whatever your opinion of corporal punishment, you might be forced to agree that the youth of current-day Dunn could use a little more disciple. The local residents can get unruly, especially when it comes to property crimes. The town suffers the number 1 rates of burglaries in North Carolina. Albemarle ranks as the ninth most dangerous city in North Carolina thanks to an unhealthy mix of where is the highest crime rate in north carolina and property crime.

Overall, there were нажмите для деталей crimes and property crimes reported in — both pretty high for a city of 16, If you’re trying to get away from the mean streets of Albemarle, there’s always Morrow Mountain State Park for a breath of fresh air.

Located a half-hour north of GreensboroReidsville comes in as the tenth most dangerous place in North Carolina. Overall, property crime is the bigger issue in Reidsville, so keep an eye on your wallet when you’re out for an where is the highest crime rate in north carolina at Market Square.

Residents of Reidsville had a 1 in 20 of being the victim of a property crime throughout On the bright side, Reidsville one of only a few places on this list with 6 murders for the year. Next 10 Cities. Every year the FBI release where is the highest crime rate in north carolina crime datasets, a preliminary dataset limited to the biggest cities in the country, followed by a more detailed release at the end of the year.

We will update the results when data becomes available in September In order to make the analysis as apples to apples as possible, we only considered North Carolina cities over 5, in population. That left us with 99 cities in North Carolina. We then ranked each city from 1 to 99 for the two criteria with a 1 ranking being the most dangerous for the particular criteria. Finally, we ranked every city on the “Dangerous Index” with the lowest index being the most dangerous in North Carolina — Wadesboro.

Any ties went to the smaller city. You can download the data here. The violent crime rate in north carolina ranks 2highest in the United States — 8. The latest reporting year from the FBI was No, Raleigh is not a dangerous city. Raleigh ranks as the safest out of major cities overpeople in the United States based on our analysis of the latest FBI Crime Data. Keep in mind that are always safe and dangerous parts of any where is the highest crime rate in north carolina, so even though Raleigh might be considered safe you still need to be aware of where you are.

For example, Glenwood is the safest in Raleigh, while Central is considered dangerous by many based on recent crime stats. Compared where is the highest crime rate in north carolina other big cities, the violent crime rate in Raleigh ranks 18highest in America — The property crime rate in the ranks th highest in the United States — Note the latest reporting year from the FBI was and that no city in America is ‘dangerous’.

Despite the uptick in murders, it’s nothing like you’d see in Tijuana or Caracas where the murder rate is 2x any American city. So what is the most dangerous city in North Carolina? After analyzing 99 cities in North Carolina, Wadesboro takes the top spot as the most dangerous city in North Carolina where is the highest crime rate in north carolina on the most recently reported FBI data — We want to point out again that there’s still safes places in Wadesboro and that this isn’t a comment on the people that live there.

So please don’t beat us up. Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now. He believes the key to finding the right place to live comes down to looking at the data, reading about things to do, and, most importantly, checking it out yourself before you move.

If you’ve been looking for a place to live in the past several years, you’ve probably stumbled upon his writing already. You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website.


Where is the highest crime rate in north carolina –


Williamston motto might be “easy living with hometown values,” but there’s nothing easy about living in the place with the third highest crime rates in North Carolina. Williamston is home to a Western theme park, Deadwood , but there’s plenty of wild west style crime going on in the town itself. For example, the town has the 17th highest rate of rape cases in the state and the fifth highest violent crime rate overall. The bad news doesn’t stop there. Williamston also recorded the fourth highest burglary rate in the state, so be sure to keep your doors locked here.

Kinston was once the center of a thriving economy centered on lumber and cotton mills. Later, other forms of manufacturing entered the area, including pharmaceuticals. Thanks to these forces, the town boomed from the late 19th century into the middle of the 20th, with the population growing from a little more than 1, people in to nearly 25, residents in Unfortunately, it has been downhill from there.

This community in eastern North Carolina now has a population of 19,, with narrowing economic prospects contributing to a rise in crime.

As a result, this has become the number 4 most dangerous spot in the state. No, this town isn’t named after the former president. Or the former presidential candidate who happened to be married to that former president.

The history of this community stretches back way, way before those Clintons hit the political stage. In fact, the town itself can trace its roots to a time before the founding of the United States.

Instead, this Clinton gets its name from an American Revolution general. That military connection still has some reverberations, given the surprising levels of violence experienced among the 8, residents of modern-day Clinton. In fact, the town has the number 8 highest pace of violent crime in North Carolina. The next stop on our list of North Carolina’s most dangerous places for takes us to Goldsboro, a city of 34, in Wayne County. Goldsboro is no stranger to violence — anyone can visit the Goldsborough Bridge Battlefield , site of a Civil War battle with 15, soldiers.

These days, violence is slightly less prevalent, but there were still violent crimes recorded in On top of that, Goldsboro averaged more than five property crimes each day in , so you’ll want to keep your doors locked and your eyes peeled for porch pirates here.

The Laurinburg Police Department sure has their work cut out for them. Why’s that? Well, residents had a 1 in 56 of finding themselves the victim of a violent crime in , the third highest odds in North Carolina.

On top of that, Laurinburg had the second highest burglary rate in the state, with about one happening each and every day, on average. In fact, there were more burglaries than larcenies in Laurinburg, which is extremely rare. Dunn was once at the center of nationally discussed paddling controversy. In , a local school official punished a student with a spanking. Eventually, this spiraled into a lawsuit and an investigation by the U. Whatever your opinion of corporal punishment, you might be forced to agree that the youth of current-day Dunn could use a little more disciple.

The local residents can get unruly, especially when it comes to property crimes. The town suffers the number 1 rates of burglaries in North Carolina. Albemarle ranks as the ninth most dangerous city in North Carolina thanks to an unhealthy mix of violent and property crime. Overall, there were violent crimes and property crimes reported in — both pretty high for a city of 16, If you’re trying to get away from the mean streets of Albemarle, there’s always Morrow Mountain State Park for a breath of fresh air.

Located a half-hour north of Greensboro , Reidsville comes in as the tenth most dangerous place in North Carolina. Overall, property crime is the bigger issue in Reidsville, so keep an eye on your wallet when you’re out for an event at Market Square.

Residents of Reidsville had a 1 in 20 of being the victim of a property crime throughout On the bright side, Reidsville one of only a few places on this list with 6 murders for the year. Next 10 Cities. Every year the FBI release two crime datasets, a preliminary dataset limited to the biggest cities in the country, followed by a more detailed release at the end of the year.

We will update the results when data becomes available in September In order to make the analysis as apples to apples as possible, we only considered North Carolina cities over 5, in population. That left us with 99 cities in North Carolina. We then ranked each city from 1 to 99 for the two criteria with a 1 ranking being the most dangerous for the particular criteria.

Finally, we ranked every city on the “Dangerous Index” with the lowest index being the most dangerous in North Carolina — Wadesboro. Any ties went to the smaller city.

You can download the data here. The violent crime rate in north carolina ranks 2highest in the United States — 8. The latest reporting year from the FBI was No, Raleigh is not a dangerous city. Raleigh ranks as the safest out of major cities over , people in the United States based on our analysis of the latest FBI Crime Data. Based on the FBI’s figures, Reidsville’s population of 13, experienced non-violent crime incidents, five cases of arson, and violent crimes in Looking at statistics alone, we’re not quite sure how Oxford made the RoadSnacks list at all.

The population in was reported to the FBI as 8, In that same year, violent crimes murder, manslaughter, robbery, aggravated assault totaled 68 incidents — while non-violent crimes racked up reports, including property crimes like burglary, larceny theft, and stolen vehicles.

The chance of becoming a victim of a non-violent crime in was 1 in Over in the Triangle, the Greensboro suburb of Siler City falls into this list at number seven. In , the city reported 55 violent crimes for its population of 8, Likewise, the non-violent crime rate was one incident per Additionally, one case of arson went on the record in Rockingham, population 8,, saw a large number of non-violent crimes in , stacking up to a 1 in The total number of non-violent crimes totaled and an additional three cases of arson were recorded.

In terms of violent crimes, Rockingham fared much better, with only 51 reported, which computes to a one violent crime per Approximately miles to the east of Rockingham, Gastonia fared about the same in terms of figures for violent and non-violent crimes in With a population 77,, it’s also the largest of the cities on this list.

The city experienced a whopping 3, non-violent crimes in — most were categorized as larceny theft 2, — but overall, the chances of becoming a victim yourself in Gastonia were 1 in For violent crimes, the city reported of those, bringing the probability of becoming a violent crime victim to 1 in Rounding out this list of dangerous places in North Carolina is Salisbury.

With a population of 33,, there were violent crimes reported in This would include murder and manslaughter, robbery, and aggravated assault. Non-violent crimes in the same period stacked up to a whopping 1, cases that included property crime, larceny theft, and stolen vehicles.

An additional five cases of arson were added to the books for the same year. In , your chance of becoming a victim of either a violent or a non-violent crime was 1 in What are the most charming small towns in North Carolina? What is the safest place to live in North Carolina? What is the richest city in North Carolina? North Carolina In Your Inbox spinner.

Thank you! You will receive your first newsletter soon. Love North Carolina? Get more stories delivered right to your email. Your e-mail: Sign Up. Share on Facebook Pin it on Pinterest. Robin Jarvis Follow me on:. Her love for travel has taken her to many parts of the world. She’s lived in the Carolinas for nearly three decades and currently resides in Charleston.

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