Finding Your Location 103 – Boots On The Ground. This is the easiest way to A.) Get over your fears and first time jitters and B.) Really understand if this lower priced asset will ACTUALLY make you money versus cause you headaches. In so many ways, it will be your eyes, ears, guts, as well as all the market analysis, that will truly make you feel comfortable with this decision. As a new investor, I WOULD NOT outsource this. Maybe as an experience investor with eyes on the ground, but its best for you to get your feet wet so to speak, and get to where these properties are (be it by driving or hopping on a boat or plane).
This is an introduction to my Sub30k Income Training- which shows you, STEP BY STEP, how to start generating monthly rental income. in real estate investing! If you loved my other 100 training videos, you will absolutely be ready to get your first property, easily! Yes, I even show you sales contracts I’ve used and the HUD settlement statements, and how to submit the bids!
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