Sometimes, when a contractor finishes a job, you are less than satisfied. Sometimes your shocked, appalled, and wondering what the heck the contractor was thinking to think you would be okay with the job or mess they left. This webisode deals exclusively with concrete ways to mitigate the situation deteriorating, and gives some guidance on how to “save” a situation
Choosing a contractor can be the best, and the most irritating, aspect of real estate investing. The contractor search and estimate gathering does get relatively smoother as you get better at sizing up your future “temporary employees.” After doing this for a while, I have new respect for hiring managers in corporate America. Good workers can be very hard to
(Get the Sub30k Private Video Collection To See The Video Demonstration For This, And For 60+ Other Real Estate Investing Training) This is an investment how to on how I qualify my property searches. This is why and how I use the internet to do my Leveraged Analysis Technique of finding properties working class neighborhoods (WCNs) This video demonstration will