Tag: properties and real estate


0009 Just Because You Wouldn’t Live There…

When I invest in these rental properties, they are not always in the highest classes of neighborhoods. They’re really not. So, I want to make a point to people who want an affordable investments: Just because you wouldn’t live there doesn’t mean its a bad investment. You have to evaluate all the options, all available neighborhoods, mitigate all obstacles, and

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0002 Property Finder: Qualifying Real Estate Investments Under 30K For Rental Income

This is the property finder segment, one of many. This is why and  how I use the internet to do my <a title=”AffordableREILeveraged Analysis Technique www.affordablerealestateinvestments.com” href=”https://www.affordablerealestateinvestments.com/leveraged-analysis-technique/?rel=author”>Leveraged Analysis Technique</a> of finding properties working class neighborhoods (WCNs) within any geography for rental property income. This search for real estate focuses on three Crucial Criteria  1) Searching the available Crime reports 2) Viewing

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