Tag: real estate investments


0054 Plumbing: DIY or Contract It Out?

Here is more in the series that can save you time and money. When it comes to plumbing, Ive found that there are many smaller items you can do yourself, and save yourself some money, and learn something in the process. However, I also go over where you should hire a contractor. This is part of the Cutting Costs category

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0050 Don’t Purchase On Court House Steps!!

Don’t purchase on court house steps. I will caveat this and say UNLESS you can clearly see inside every window, in every room, and you have a LOT of experience in real estate investing, or you have a home inspector with you. If you are new to real estate investing, the amount of time, effort, and cash on hand you

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0049 Section 8 Renters Are Now In The Surburbs

Despite what people think about the neighborhoods that I invest in, with finding investment properties under $30k, the truth is that the thought of “Section 8” renters and what that comes with just isn’t the case. I put “section 8 ” in quotes because its a loaded term and I don’t agree with how everyone uses it to judge a

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0031 Which Big Box Store Should You Choose: Home Depot, Lowes, or BestBuy

I used big box stores for a variety of reasons: Financing terms, appliances, to get advice on do it yourself projects and their installation services for windows, roofs, etc. Here, I go into my experiences within difference cities, and which ones I  go to for different reasons.