In the last 4 years of doing real estate investing in lower income neighborhoods, there is an acceptance of things I once thought were unacceptable. However, you start to get used to some things that used to scare you in your thoughts, but with familiarity, doesnt scare you anymore. Of course I always encourage everyone to be cautious and careful
Home Owners Associations (HOAs) are the most annoying entities on the planet. As a real estate investor, they will have more input on your business on average than any local city council or state regulations. As a rule, unless there are no other options, I will avoid these because its an add layer of rules and regulations on your investment
Here are the standard set of questions I will send to property managers when deciding which one to choose. This is an EXTREMELY important part of my Real Estate Investment Strategy since I own properties 35-90 miles outside of where I live. The right property managers will make things flow smoothly where you can be on vacation in Germany and
Here I go over my typical workday, incorporating a full time job with real estate investing. Its not necessarily easy or truly hard, however there are some adjustments you may need to make to your daily operations and thinking, so you can be effective and not get in trouble on the job about your outside activities. Enjoy! **at 2:45 I
Although real estate is a male dominated field (Constructions, Sales, Whole Sales, Investments), my impressions of the industry is that women are firmly established in leadership and business roles. Despite what one may think, women do not seem to be treated any differently here than in other career fields, and women are touching all aspects of this business. Overall, my
When I invest in these rental properties, they are not always in the highest classes of neighborhoods. They’re really not. So, I want to make a point to people who want an affordable investments: Just because you wouldn’t live there doesn’t mean its a bad investment. You have to evaluate all the options, all available neighborhoods, mitigate all obstacles, and
(Get the Sub30k Private Video Collection To See The Video Demonstration For This, And For 60+ Other Real Estate Investing Training) This is an investment how to on how I qualify my property searches. This is why and how I use the internet to do my Leveraged Analysis Technique of finding properties working class neighborhoods (WCNs) This video demonstration will
This is the property finder segment, one of many. This is why and how I use the internet to do my <a title=”AffordableREILeveraged Analysis Technique” href=””>Leveraged Analysis Technique</a> of finding properties working class neighborhoods (WCNs) within any geography for rental property income. This search for real estate focuses on three Crucial Criteria 1) Searching the available Crime reports 2) Viewing
This is my very first post. It really explain why I do this type of investment realty, specifically only looking at houses under 30k. This is a strategy that many will feel is fraught with terrible perils at first glance, or ludicrous at second glance, but if given the chance they can see it can actually be their way to
I have the first 5 blogs created. I want to spend a little more time on editing the video (these are extra skills that I have had to pick up over the weekend). If you checked this out now, don’t worry, the content will be up in the next day or so (at least the initial content :-)) I plan