When I invest in these rental properties, they are not always in the highest classes of neighborhoods. They’re really not. So, I want to make a point to people who want an affordable investments: Just because you wouldn’t live there doesn’t mean its a bad investment. You have to evaluate all the options, all available neighborhoods, mitigate all obstacles, and
If you have been following my blog, this is just a tutorial about a question I receive often, namely how I became involved in real estate investment. Here, I go over why I started to look for real estate, what circumstances took me to the realization that this investment strategy really works, and how I decided the income from real
(Get the Sub30k Private Video Collection To See The Video Demonstration For This, And For 60+ Other Real Estate Investing Training) This is an investment how to on how I qualify my property searches. This is why and how I use the internet to do my Leveraged Analysis Technique of finding properties working class neighborhoods (WCNs) This video demonstration will
Here is my introductory podcast, where I explain why you should listen to anything I have to say. I have 4 rental properties that I purchased for less than 35k each for rental income, and explain experience I have that I am bringing to you as an audience member. I have found a formula that is not a get rich