As you get started in real estate, you realize that even though you have a contract, one thing you will learn that Contractors, Property Managers, and other people you pay feel a little entitled and that they REALLY don’t have to follow one. Its frustrating and annoying, which makes it even more important for you to get an air tight
Hi, there is ALOT of controversy when I discuss investing, and investing in low income neighborhoods at that. Its amazing how closed minded some people are, when there are many different ways to make a success out of real estate. However, I actually like the fact that so many people have negative perceptions about the neighborhoods I go into. Want
When I invest in these rental properties, they are not always in the highest classes of neighborhoods. They’re really not. So, I want to make a point to people who want an affordable investments: Just because you wouldn’t live there doesn’t mean its a bad investment. You have to evaluate all the options, all available neighborhoods, mitigate all obstacles, and
(Get the Sub30k Private Video Collection To See The Video Demonstration For This, And For 60+ Other Real Estate Investing Training) This is an investment how to on how I qualify my property searches. This is why and how I use the internet to do my Leveraged Analysis Technique of finding properties working class neighborhoods (WCNs) This video demonstration will
Here is my introductory podcast, where I explain why you should listen to anything I have to say. I have 4 rental properties that I purchased for less than 35k each for rental income, and explain experience I have that I am bringing to you as an audience member. I have found a formula that is not a get rich
This is my very first post. It really explain why I do this type of investment realty, specifically only looking at houses under 30k. This is a strategy that many will feel is fraught with terrible perils at first glance, or ludicrous at second glance, but if given the chance they can see it can actually be their way to