I am a big advocate of using credit in different capacities, either a credit card, balance transfers, lines of credit, etc. This is because it is easier to obtain, its unsecured (thus not putting your investment at risk of repossession, and private. However, it would be remiss of me to not caveat this use of credit with some advice on
I used big box stores for a variety of reasons: Financing terms, appliances, to get advice on do it yourself projects and their installation services for windows, roofs, etc. Here, I go into my experiences within difference cities, and which ones I go to for different reasons.
In the last 4 years of doing real estate investing in lower income neighborhoods, there is an acceptance of things I once thought were unacceptable. However, you start to get used to some things that used to scare you in your thoughts, but with familiarity, doesnt scare you anymore. Of course I always encourage everyone to be cautious and careful
Home Owners Associations (HOAs) are the most annoying entities on the planet. As a real estate investor, they will have more input on your business on average than any local city council or state regulations. As a rule, unless there are no other options, I will avoid these because its an add layer of rules and regulations on your investment
Since I invest in affordable real estate investments, but I currently live in the Washington DC Area, I invest in real estate 30-90 miles, and sometimes even 400 miles, away. The key part of this strategy is finding a licensed property manager. A property manager is a person that takes care of finding tenants for your rental property, conducting maintenance,
(Get the Sub30k Private Video Collection To See The Video Demonstration For This, And For 60+ Other Real Estate Investing Training) This is an investment how to on how I qualify my property searches. This is why and how I use the internet to do my Leveraged Analysis Technique of finding properties working class neighborhoods (WCNs) This video demonstration will
This is the property finder segment, one of many. This is why and how I use the internet to do my <a title=”AffordableREILeveraged Analysis Technique www.affordablerealestateinvestments.com” href=”https://www.affordablerealestateinvestments.com/leveraged-analysis-technique/?rel=author”>Leveraged Analysis Technique</a> of finding properties working class neighborhoods (WCNs) within any geography for rental property income. This search for real estate focuses on three Crucial Criteria 1) Searching the available Crime reports 2) Viewing