Tag: investment how to


0042 Some Markets You Just Cant Afford

Real estate is 100% about the numbers, and it is secondly about property and location. You can have the best house in the world, in a great location, but if the house is worth more than the market can sustain or bear, you are looking at a failing investment. Because of this, I am going to explain how this needs

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0040 Audience Question: Whats The Closing Process Like

Here is another audience question. This is an overview of the common patterns I see in closing. Depending on if your extremely new or experienced, this may be a lot more helpful to people who are new to real estate investing, but maybe some commonality can be shared amongst experienced investors.


0041 Excuses To Be Aware Of: Why The Rent Is Late

I have heard many reasons of why the rent is late. If you’re going to get into real estate investing for rental income, welcome to the club! Seriously, everyone is different, but if hearing some of my experience rings a bell, or helps you in your real estate investing, then I will share all I have heard from previous tenants

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0039 Audience Question: How To Get Over First Time Fears

My first Audience Question comes from a subscriber that sent an email saying she’s followed my blog, has gotten a solid list of leads in an affordable price range, and wanted to know how they might overcome first time jitters. For all you newbies out there, this episode is especially for you!


0038 Why I Dont Invest In A 401k But Instead In Real Estate

This is another one of my more controversial episodes. I do NOT invest in my 401k, and I go into many reasons why I don’t, and why I instead invest in real estate investing. Now, a lot of you do invest in your 401k, which is why my advice is controversial. I am not suggesting that you stop investing in

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0037 It Gets Easier Each And Every House

If you read literature that talks about wealth building, or people who have created their business, you hear the same themes: It gets easier every time, and that you do that same thing that works over and over again. I am here to confirm, once you get started, and your first house finished, every single other house after that will

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0036 Taking Pictures After All Contractor Work

I have started taking pictures more and more often in the last two rehabs, and I have noticed that the benefits have been amazing. For documentation, recalling defects, dealing effectively with contractors, and even for legal reasons, this will not only help your long distance investing strategy, it ABSOLUTELY help every part of your real estate investing business. Pictures ARE

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0035 Deadbeats and Hardworkers: You’ll Find Them In Every Low Income Neighborhood

Throughout every low income neighborhood you encounter, you’re going to realize a few truths about the people that live there. You will always have neighbors that are working very hard in life (2 or 3 jobs even) to make money and take care of themselves. And there are ALWAYS people who are deadbeats, not working, not contributing anything to society

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0034 Use Credit Cautiously

I am a big advocate of using credit in different capacities, either a credit card, balance transfers, lines of credit, etc. This is because it is easier to obtain, its unsecured (thus not putting your investment at risk of repossession, and private. However, it would be remiss of me to not caveat this use of credit with some advice on

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0031 Which Big Box Store Should You Choose: Home Depot, Lowes, or BestBuy

I used big box stores for a variety of reasons: Financing terms, appliances, to get advice on do it yourself projects and their installation services for windows, roofs, etc. Here, I go into my experiences within difference cities, and which ones I  go to for different reasons.