Tag: rental property


0073 Emergency Credit Part II

This may help give you some solid guidance on raising your credit score! This is to follow on my earlier video on emergency credit. I needed to replace a roof (I should have replaced 2 years ago, when i simply repaired it). I was applied to 6 different credit cards, and was approved for 2 that had 6-9 months 0%

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0072 BiggerPockets Reblog: A Year To Do A Rental Property Renovation? Sometimes….

BiggerPockets Reblog: A Year To Do A Rental Property Renovation? Sometimes…. See Article On BiggerPockets Here’s a little story about a year long odyssey of my year long renovation of my second rental property. I paid 13k for a row home in Baltimore, MD and it took me a year to complete the renovation and get a tenant in. I’ll

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0068 An Interview about College Campuses and Working Class Communities

Please listen to this interview with Alex Anderson, a Milwaukee, WI real estate investor, as we discuss his low balling offers, and his burgeoning niche market of working class Thai, Hmong, Laotian community for cash flow. This is an interview filled with a lot of insight into how one can go about making deals on houses and for renters.


0066 Obtaining A Mortgage, The Rules Of Engagement (Part 1)

Today I welcome guest Kwasi Jenkins, who has 8 years experience as both a mortgage officer and loan processor. The loan processor is the person that communicates between the borrower, the mortgage officer (sales man), and the underwriter (final reviewer after all policies and regulators have been approved). This is a great interview, as it gave insights into: 1) What

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0057 Why You Should Buy and Hold Vs Flip

Now, before I start, there are many SUCCESSFUL flippers. However, I am speaking of why Buy and Hold Vs Flip strategy, buy and hold CAN be a better long term strategy for two key reasons 1) Return of taxes in regular and ordinary income and 2) More asset flexibility. Once I renovate A property, I am tempted to flip it,

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0052 Audience Question: Do I Create An LLC Before or After I Purchase My Rental?

This audience question is submitted by Joan P. Thank you, Joan! Her question was do you create your LLC before or after you purchase your rental property. If you are going to go the LLC route (and I discuss reasons why some people have rightly chosen not to), then you need to create the LLC beforehand. This is make sure

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0046 What To Do Once You Pay Off Your First Mortgage

Hi! The choice of what to do when if you have any positive cash flow (cash flow being the profit you make monthly/annually after accounting mortgage, taxes, repair expenses), and whether to keep that money in your pocket or pay off your mortgage early is a personal decision. For some, the choice can be to keep the money, and to

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0037 It Gets Easier Each And Every House

If you read literature that talks about wealth building, or people who have created their business, you hear the same themes: It gets easier every time, and that you do that same thing that works over and over again. I am here to confirm, once you get started, and your first house finished, every single other house after that will

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0036 Taking Pictures After All Contractor Work

I have started taking pictures more and more often in the last two rehabs, and I have noticed that the benefits have been amazing. For documentation, recalling defects, dealing effectively with contractors, and even for legal reasons, this will not only help your long distance investing strategy, it ABSOLUTELY help every part of your real estate investing business. Pictures ARE

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0035 Deadbeats and Hardworkers: You’ll Find Them In Every Low Income Neighborhood

Throughout every low income neighborhood you encounter, you’re going to realize a few truths about the people that live there. You will always have neighbors that are working very hard in life (2 or 3 jobs even) to make money and take care of themselves. And there are ALWAYS people who are deadbeats, not working, not contributing anything to society

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