Tag: real estate investing


0035 Deadbeats and Hardworkers: You’ll Find Them In Every Low Income Neighborhood

Throughout every low income neighborhood you encounter, you’re going to realize a few truths about the people that live there. You will always have neighbors that are working very hard in life (2 or 3 jobs even) to make money and take care of themselves. And there are ALWAYS people who are deadbeats, not working, not contributing anything to society

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0034 Use Credit Cautiously

I am a big advocate of using credit in different capacities, either a credit card, balance transfers, lines of credit, etc. This is because it is easier to obtain, its unsecured (thus not putting your investment at risk of repossession, and private. However, it would be remiss of me to not caveat this use of credit with some advice on

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REIClub September2013 Investor Success Story

I was chosen for REIClubs September 2013 Investor Success Spotlight through their facebook page. Thank you so much REIClubs for letting me share my success story and my lessons learned! Link To REIClub Article!


Book Review 2: Rich Dads Guide To Investing By Robert Kiyosaki


0020 Tools You’ll Need To Purchase For Do It Yourself Repairs

If you are getting started in real estate, you may have started out like I did with absolutely no tools and a gleam in your eye. This is an vlog for investors by investors, to give you the straight, first hand account of the best new tools to just go ahead and buy, because you WILL need them if doing

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0019 Business Entity Protect Your Assets – What Is An LLC?

This subject will come up within your real estate investing, and I want to give you my personal experience and how it can work for you. The question is asked as far as what is an llc, and how is it used in asset management. I personally choose to register my properties and care for them within my LLCs, which

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0016 Mortgage Loans – Add Back In Depreciation

Here are some concepts to keep in mind that has major tax consequences, as well as major consequences for obtaining mortgage loans for your investment properties. Make sure when looking at your adjusted gross income, that the underwriters add back in depreciation for your total income allotment. As a real estate investor, one of the benefits is the huge tax

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0015 Women In Real Estate Investing

Although real estate is a male dominated field (Constructions, Sales, Whole Sales, Investments), my impressions of the industry is that women are firmly established in leadership and business roles. Despite what one may think, women do not seem to be treated any differently here than in other career fields, and women are touching all aspects of this business. Overall, my

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Book Review 1: Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki

Here is my book review on Rich Dad Poor Dad. I definitely give this book 5 stars, and recommend it for EVERYONE. Please remember, if you want to be successful, you need to put in the time to learn. Its not easy, but you have to do it for success. Click Here To Purchase From Amazon (This is an Affiliate

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